260 Health and Social Care Integration PDF 113 KB
Collaboration and joined up working has been at the heart of work between health and social care in Surrey since Surrey’s Health and Wellbeing Board was established in 2012.
The County Council and health partners are working jointly to achieve better outcomes and high quality co-ordinated care for Surrey residents through greater integration and alignment of health and social care services.
Having grown and developed over time, the move towards integrated services has become a fundamental part of the way the Council and its partners develop and deliver services. This report acknowledges the significant acceleration for the integration of health and social care. It asks the Cabinet to consider fully the implications of the strategic direction and to endorse it.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adult Social Care Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That the strategic direction towards further integration for health and social care services be noted;
2. That the specific work on health and social care integration and implications in Surrey be noted; and
3. That where specific proposals for the integration of health and social care involve significant change (e.g. pooling budgets or changes to governance structures), these will be presented to the Cabinet for approval.
Reasons for Decisions:
There is a move towards integrated services becoming a fundamental part of the way the Council and its partners develop and deliver services. Given the significant acceleration towards the integration of health and social care, this report provides the Cabinet with the opportunity to ensure the Council’s stated policy reflects the current status and future direction for children’s and adults’ social care.
Pursuing opportunities for further integration will help to ensure the County Council meets its statutory duties, set out in both the Care Act 2014 and the Health and Social Care Act 2012, for encouraging and promoting the integration of health and social care.
[The decisions on this item can be called in the Adult Social Care Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Health & Wellbeing Board introduced the report on the collaboration and joined up working between health and social care in Surrey. He informed Members that a joined up approach would enable the Council to achieve better outcomes and high quality co-ordinated care for Surrey residents and the report was a clear statement of understanding that the County Council was committed to working together with the medical community to integrate and align health and social care services.
1. The strategic direction towards further integration for health and social care services be noted;
2. The specific work on health and social care integration and implications in Surrey be noted; and
3. That where specific proposals for the integration of health and social care involve significant change (e.g. pooling budgets or changes to governance structures), these will be presented to the Cabinet for approval.
Reasons for Decisions:
There is a move towards integrated services becoming a fundamental part of the way the Council and its partners develop and deliver services. Given the significant acceleration towards the integration of health and social care, this report provides the Cabinet with the opportunity to ensure the Council’s stated policy reflects the current status and future direction for children’s and adults’ social care.
Pursuing opportunities for further integration will help to ensure the County Council meets its statutory duties, set out in both the Care Act 2014 and the Health and Social Care Act 2012, for encouraging and promoting the integration of health and social care.