Issue - meetings

Contractual Award for the Provision of Outsourced Occupational Therapy Assessments

Meeting: 10/09/2014 - Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Decisions old (Item 5.)

Contractual Award for the Provision of Outsourced Occupational Therapy Assessments

Commercial Details and Contract Award exempt information relating to item 3.


Exempt:  Not for publication under Paragraph 3


Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)



It is recommended that, subject to agreement of the detailed financial information and review of the procurement process followed which is set out in item 3, approval is given for contract awards to:


·                     Able 2 OT Services  - East and Mid Surrey;

·                     SHA Disability Consultancy – North West and South West Surrey.


Contracts will be for a three year period starting on 1 October 2014 with potential to extend for a further year and services need only be called off as needed.