Issue - meetings

Bishop David Brown School, Woking

Meeting: 17/10/2014 - Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning Decisions (Item 4.)

4. Bishop David Brown School, Woking pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Bishop David Brown (BDB) is a comprehensive community secondary school in Woking. The school is rated good with outstanding features by Ofsted and currently has a PAN of 150. Consultation has recently been undertaken on a proposal to expand BDB to create sufficient capacity for the school to admit 180 pupils at Year 7 (an additional 150 places in total) in the future and for this work to be carried out by 2016. The Cabinet Member is asked to consider the publication of statutory notices indicating the Local Authority’s intention to expand the school.



That the publication of statutory notices indicating the Local Authority’s intention to proceed with the proposal to expand the premises of the Bishop David Brown School, be approved.