Issue - meetings

Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools and Coordinated Schemes for September 2016

Meeting: 24/02/2015 - Cabinet (Item 34)


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Recommendation 1

That, subject to Connaught Junior School also agreeing to introduce a reciprocal sibling link with Bagshot Infant School, a reciprocal sibling link for Bagshot Infant School is introduced with Connaught Junior School so that Bagshot Infant School would be described as operating shared sibling priority with Connaught Junior School for 2016 admission.

Reasons for Recommendation

·         It would support families with more than one child as families with a sibling at Connaught Junior School would benefit from sibling priority at Bagshot Infant School

·         This proposal is in line with a separate proposal by Connaught Junior School to introduce a reciprocal sibling link with Bagshot Infant School. This recommendation is therefore conditional on Connaught Junior School implementing this change before this recommendation is ratified by Full Council  

·         It would provide continuity and a clearer transition for parents, children and schools and would reduce anxiety for parents

·         If Connaught also introduce a feeder link from Bagshot as they have proposed, it would enable families to benefit from a sibling link for Reception even if they had a child who was due to leave the infant school before the younger child was admitted

·         It would maximise the opportunity for families to keep children together or at schools with agreed links

·         It is supported by Connaught Junior School and by the Headteacher and Chair of Governors of Bagshot Infant School


Recommendation 2

That a new criterion for Hammond Community Junior School  is introduced for September 2016 to provide priority for children attending either Valley End or Windlesham Village infant schools as follows:


a.    Looked After and previously Looked After Children

b.    Exceptional social/medical need

c.    Children attending Lightwater Village School

d.    Siblings not admitted under c) above

e.    Children attending either Valley End CofE Infant School or Windlesham Village Infant School

f.     Any other children


Reasons for Recommendation

·         It would introduce a feeder link for infant schools where currently none exists and in doing so would provide continuity and a clearer transition for parents, children and schools and would reduce anxiety for parents

·         It would help ensure that a school within a reasonable distance could be offered to all children within the area

·         It would maximise the opportunity for families to keep children at schools with agreed links

·         It would support viability of Valley End and Windlesham Village infant schools

·         It is supported by the Headteacher and Governing Body of Hammond Community Junior School and by Valley End and Windlesham Village infant schools

·         Eligibility to transport is not linked to the admission criteria of a school and as such attendance at Valley End or Windlesham Village infant schools would not confer an automatic right to transport to Hammond Community Junior School


Recommendation 3

That a feeder link from Meath Green Infant to Meath Green Junior School is introduced for September 2016 as follows:

a.    Looked After and previously Looked After Children

b.    Exceptional social/medical need

c.    Children attending Meath Green Infant School

d.    Siblings not admitted  ...  view the full decision text for item 34


Following statutory consultation on the proposed changes to Surrey’s admission arrangements for September 2016 and Surrey’s Relevant Area, Cabinet was asked to consider the responses set out in Enclosure 5 of the report and to make recommendations to the County Council on admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools, Surrey’s coordinated schemes for September 2016 and its Relevant Area.


The report covered the following areas in relation to school admissions:


·         Bagshot Infant School (Bagshot) – Recommendation 1

·         Hammond Community Junior School (Lightwater) - Recommendation 2

·         Meath Green Junior School (Horley) – Recommendation 3

·         Wallace Fields Junior School (Ewell) – Recommendation 4

·         Worplesdon Primary School (Worplesdon, Guildford) – Recommendation 5

·         Cranleigh Primary School (Cranleigh) – Recommendation 6

·         Own admission authority schools to be included in assessment of nearest school – Recommendation 7

·         Start date to primary admissions round – Recommendation 8

·         Surrey’s Relevant Area - Recommendation 9

·         Published Admission Numbers for other community and voluntary controlled schools – Recommendation 10

·         Admission arrangements for other community and voluntary controlled schools – Recommendation 11

·         Coordinated Admissions Schemes – Recommendation 12


The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning presented the report and said that it was a complex and lengthy report, which following the eight week statutory consultation period, had twelve recommendations.


She drew attention to:


·         Recommendation (1) – the reciprocal sibling link between Bagshot Infant School and Connaught Junior School and said that this recommendation was subject to agreement of the Connuaght Junior School Governing Body who were meeting today (24 February)

·         Recommendation (8) – the start date to the primary admissions round. She said that, due to the low response rate and the reluctance to introduce such a process change without broad support from primary schools, this proposal would be deferred until 2017 at the earliest to enable more targeted consultation to be carried out.

As Chairman of the Admissions Forum, the Cabinet Associate for Children, Schools and Families confirmed that all the recommendations had been discussed by all representatives of this forum and had been supported.


Cabinet Members were given an opportunity to comment on the proposals for individual schools and the Cabinet Member for Community Services confirmed that there was a comprehensive and upto date Equalities Impact Assessment that had addressed issues of concern.


Members were reminded that these recommendations would be considered by the County Council at its next meeting on 17 March 2015.


Finally, the Cabinet Team thanked the Principal Manager Admissions and Transport (Strategy) and her team for the excellent report.





Recommendation 1

That, subject to Connaught Junior School also agreeing to introduce a reciprocal sibling link with Bagshot Infant School, a reciprocal sibling link for Bagshot Infant School is introduced with Connaught Junior School so that Bagshot Infant School would be described as operating shared sibling priority with Connaught Junior School for 2016 admission.

Reasons for Recommendation

·         It would support families with more than one child as families with a sibling at Connaught Junior School would benefit from  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34