85 Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2015 - 20 PDF 195 KB
The Youth Justice Strategic Plan is produced to meet the council’s obligations under the Crime & Disorder Act 1998 and is submitted to Cabinet for endorsement before being approved at the full County Council meeting in May.
Additional documents:
1. That the Youth Justice Strategic Plan for 2015 – 2020 be endorsed and recommended to full County Council for approval.
2. That Surrey Youth Support Service and the wider partnership be congratulated on the outstanding performance and outcomes achieved in the youth justice arena.
3. That the exceptional political support and leadership provided be acknowledged, in particular by the Cabinet Member for Children and Families and the Leader of the Council, and which has contributed to the above performance and outcomes.
Reasons for Decisions:
The council has a duty under the Crime & Disorder Act 1998 to formulate a Youth Justice Plan setting out:
· how youth justice services in their area are to be provided and funded; and
· how the youth offending team or teams established are to be composed and funded,
· how they are to operate and what functions they are to carry out.
The Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2015-2020 is designed to deliver a sustainable and effective youth justice system that enables improved outcomes and value for money for Surrey residents.
The Cabinet Member for Children and Families highlighted the key points of this Plan for Cabinet and said that the refreshed Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020 covered a 5-year period and had been co-produced with Youth Justice Partnership Board (YJPB) members. It would be refreshed annually, reflecting any changes to the national and local youth justice landscape which impacted on the strategic priorities.
These strategic priorities were:
· Prevent Youth Crime
· Reduce Re-offending
· Safeguard young people from harm
· Protect the public from harm
In meeting the priorities, activity would include restorative justice approaches and the application of a clear safeguarding focus to prevent and reduce offending, improve victim satisfaction and raise public confidence.
She was pleased to report that Surrey had some of the most successful youth justice outcomes in England and Wales. For example, between April 2013 and 2014, Surrey had the lowest number of young people entering the criminal justice system for the first time per 100,000 of the population in England. This was a trend that had been established since 2011 through a strategic emphasis towards preventative and restorative interventions and meant that a Surrey young person was less likely to enter adulthood with a criminal record than anywhere else in the country.
Other Cabinet Members praised the achievements of Surrey’s Youth Support Service (YSS) and mentioned:
· The visit of HRH Earl of Wessex to High Ashurst.
· The shared responsibility of YSS and Community Safety Partnerships and the need to ensure that local delivery plans were integrated and reflected the needs assessment of each Borough / District.
· The use of restorative justice as a cornerstone of the approach to youth crime in Surrey.
1. That the Youth Justice Strategic Plan for 2015 – 2020 be endorsed and recommended to full County Council for approval.
2. That Surrey Youth Support Service and the wider partnership be congratulated on the outstanding performance and outcomes achieved in the youth justice arena.
3. That the exceptional political support and leadership provided be acknowledged, in particular by the Cabinet Member for Children and Families and the Leader of the Council, and which has contributed to the above performance and outcomes.
Reasons for Decisions:
The council has a duty under the Crime & Disorder Act 1998 to formulate a Youth Justice Plan setting out:
· how youth justice services in their area are to be provided and funded; and
· how the youth offending team or teams established are to be composed and funded,
· how they are to operate and what functions they are to carry out.
The Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2015-2020 is designed to deliver a sustainable and effective youth justice system that enables improved outcomes and value for money for Surrey residents.