Issue - meetings

Leadership Risk Register

Meeting: 28/04/2015 - Cabinet (Item 84)

84 Leadership Risk Register pdf icon PDF 136 KB

The Surrey County Council Leadership risk register is presented to Cabinet each quarter and this report presents the Leadership risk register as at 31 March 2015.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


Additional documents:


That the content of the Surrey County Council Leadership Risk Register, as set out in Annex 1 of the submitted report, be noted and the control actions put in place by the Statutory Responsibilities Network be endorsed.


Reasons for Decisions:


To enable the Cabinet to keep Surrey County Council’s strategic risks under review and to ensure that appropriate action is being taken to mitigate risks to a tolerable level in the most effective way.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]



The Cabinet Member for Business Services said that the Surrey County Council Leadership Risk Register was presented to Cabinet each quarter and this report presented the Leadership Risk Register as at 31 March 2015. It captured the Council’s key strategic risks. To confirm that all strategic risks that faced the Council had been identified, the Cabinet had attended an informal risk workshop on 24 March, facilitated by the Director of Finance and attended by Strategic Directors and representatives of the Strategic Risk Forum.


Since it was last presented to Cabinet, it had been reviewed by the Audit and Governance Committee and other relevant bodies. Currently, there were 14 risks on the register, of which 13 had a high inherent risk level.




That the content of the Surrey County Council Leadership Risk Register, as set out in Annex 1 of the submitted report, be noted and the control actions put in place by the Statutory Responsibilities Network be endorsed.


Reasons for Decisions:


To enable the Cabinet to keep Surrey County Council’s strategic risks under review and to ensure that appropriate action is being taken to mitigate risks to a tolerable level in the most effective way.