Issue - meetings

Microsoft Software Licenses for 2015/16

Meeting: 26/05/2015 - Cabinet (Item 106)


The council’s Corporate Strategy, agreed by Cabinet in February 2015, highlighted the importance of a digital strategy in the delivery of services to residents and delivering corporate priorities. An important element of the digital approach is technology which will facilitate collaboration across public services for the benefit of residents, and provide the right tools to enable staff to work flexibly. Implementation of the strategy will be undertaken in phases with reviews of current technology and as part of this, a move to Microsoft Office 365 for the council’s email and calendar systems is recommended.  The adoption of Microsoft Office 365 for this functionality will facilitate document collaboration across boundaries and will enable staff to work from anywhere and using any device. 


This report seeks approval from Cabinet to award an extension to the existing Microsoft Enterprise Agreement to Specialist Computer Centre for the provision of Microsoft Office 365 licences to commence on 1 July 2015, and for implementation costs for Office 365.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview Board]

Additional documents:




That the council migrates its email and calendar system from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Office 365, purchases extended licences as described in the submitted report, and engages with Microsoft and other implementation partners to assist with the migration.


Reasons for Decisions:


The adoption of Microsoft for the council’s email and calendar requirements will facilitate the delivery of the council’s digital strategy.  The new system will enable collaborative working with partners and will deliver enhanced flexibility. The technology will ensure that the council’s technical platforms are modern and comparable with the very best technologies in both the public and private sectors.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview Board]




The Cabinet Member for Business Services and Resident Experience presented the report and stated that the adoption of Microsoft Office 365 will enable staff to work from anywhere and using any device and that it would provide a unified mail basis for the Orbis partnership. She stated that it would see the Council move away from Lotus Notes and will provide a better service for both staff and Members. She went onto inform Members that a pilot would take place in 2016.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Independence and Wellbeing welcomed the move and requested to be involved in the pilot.




That the council migrates its email and calendar system from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Office 365, purchases extended licences as described in the submitted report, and engages with Microsoft and other implementation partners to assist with the migration.


Reasons for Decisions:


The adoption of Microsoft for the council’s email and calendar requirements will facilitate the delivery of the council’s digital strategy.  The new system will enable collaborative working with partners and will deliver enhanced flexibility. The technology will ensure that the council’s technical platforms are modern and comparable with the very best technologies in both the public and private sectors.