Issue - meetings

Customer Promise - Our commitment to delivering Excellent Service

Meeting: 28/04/2015 - Cabinet (Item 87)

87 Customer Promise - The Council's commitment to delivering Excellent Service pdf icon PDF 144 KB

On 10 February 2015 County Council approved the Corporate Strategy and agreed that focusing on ‘Resident Experience’ is one of the organisation’s three strategic goals.


To better define Resident Experience the Council conducted research including speaking to staff, members and customers about what they thought were the most important principles behind excellent customer service. 


The research and feedback has been used to create the Council’s new Customer Promise which will be used as a framework to improve Resident Experience.


This paper presents the new Customer Promise and sets out the steps the Council will take to embed the Customer Promise into the organisation to improve Resident Experience. 


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee]


Additional documents:


That the new Customer Promise and the proposed steps to embed it into the organisation to improve ‘Resident Experience’ be endorsed.


Reasons for Decisions:


To maintain and improve customer service across the Council for the benefit of Surrey residents.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee]





On 10 February 2015 County Council approved the Corporate Strategy and agreed that focusing on ‘Resident Experience’ was one of the organisation’s three strategic goals.


The Cabinet Member for Community Services said that to better define Resident Experience, the Council had conducted comprehensive research including speaking to staff, Members and customers about what they thought were the most important principles behind excellent customer service and this had been used to create the Council’s new Customer Promise.


Four principles had emerged as being most important to people:

·         Treating people in the right way

·         Making it easy

·         Keeping people informed

·         Getting it right


These principles had been used to create the new Customer Promise.


The Leader of the Council said that this was an important document and that the Council had listened to staff and customers in relation to customer service.




That the new Customer Promise and the proposed steps to embed it into the organisation to improve ‘Resident Experience’ be endorsed.


Reasons for Decisions:


To maintain and improve customer service across the Council for the benefit of Surrey residents.