The contract with the current supplier of Adult Social Care’s case management and financial system expires on 31 October 2015. There is no option to extend the contract, though a new contract can be agreed for a time limited period.
This report sets out the proposal to enter into a new contract for a replacement I.T. system to meet Adult Social Care’s recording requirements for the foreseeable future.
N.B. An annex containing exempt information is contained in Part 2 of the agenda – item 23.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Social Care Services Board]
Additional documents:
1. Approval be given to enter into a contract with Liquidlogic for the provision of the Adult Social Care I.T. System under the current contract with East Sussex County Council, where East Sussex acts as the central purchasing body for other Local Authorities.
2. Approval be given to enter into a new one year contract with the incumbent supplier to facilitate the migration to a new system.
Reasons for Recommendations:
A contract with the new supplier will:
a) provide all required functionality for Care Act implementation by 1 April 2016
b) enable integration with the Children’s System and the systems of health partners
c) improve system usability and efficiency
d) deliver a mobile working system and self-assessment functionality
e) more closely align the Adult Social Care system with the council’s digital strategy
f) support strategic alignment with East Sussex County Council
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Social Care Services Board]
The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Independence and Wellbeing informed Members that the contract with the current supplier of Adult Social Care’s case management and financial system would expire on 31 October 2015. He explained that 2 years of research had been undertaken and the conclusion was that in order to be compliant with the Care Act the Council would need to change.
He stated that there is no option to extend the contract, however a new contract can be agreed for a time limited period. He referred to links with East Sussex County Council and informed Members that the advantages of the proposal were set out on p87 of the submitted report.
He went on to state that the new system is used by Children’s Services and is in line with the Council’s digital strategy. It will also allow cohesive working with partners.
The Cabinet Member for Business Services and Resident Experience raised points around increase in demand and the ability for the new system to deal with this, close working with health partners and the contract with East Sussex County Council providing value for money.
The Cabinet Associate for Children, Schools and Families Wellbeing informed Members that her experience of working with Liquidlogic had been positive.
The Leader of the Council stated that using one system for social care was an excellent idea and a good step forward.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Independence and Wellbeing informed Members that the report had been reviewed by the select committee and they had been happy with it.
1. Approval be given to enter into a contract with Liquidlogic for the provision of the Adult Social Care I.T. System under the current contract with East Sussex County Council, where East Sussex acts as the central purchasing body for other Local Authorities.
2. Approval be given to enter into a new one year contract with the incumbent supplier to facilitate the migration to a new system.
Reasons for Recommendations:
A contract with the new supplier will:
a) provide all required functionality for Care Act implementation by 1 April 2016
b) enable integration with the Children’s System and the systems of health partners
c) improve system usability and efficiency
d) deliver a mobile working system and self-assessment functionality
e) more closely align the Adult Social Care system with the council’s digital strategy
f) support strategic alignment with East Sussex County Council