Issue - meetings

Day Care for Older People and People living with Dementia

Meeting: 27/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 205)


Additional documents:




That a Framework Agreement for the provision of Community Opportunities for Older People and People Living with Dementia be awarded to the following providers for a period of three years with an option to extend for one year commencing from 1 December 2015.


Lot 1 – Low Level Needs

For older people who are socially isolated or need a little bit of support to get out and about. It could also include people in the early stages of dementia.

Bright Shadow Limited


Spelthorne Borough Council

Surrey Choices

Surrey Crossroads

Lot 2 – Moderate Needs

For individuals in the middle stages of dementia. Individuals accessing this service should be able to continue with activities of daily living but will need help and support.

Alzheimer's Society

Bright Shadow Limited


Spelthorne Borough Council

Surrey Crossroads

Lot 3 – High Needs

For individuals with high needs or end stage dementia likely to have significant memory loss. They may be prone to wandering and will need to be supported in a safe and secure environment.

Alzheimer's Society

Avenues Group South East

Spelthorne Borough Council


Reasons for Decisions:


The recommended framework agreement providers will deliver older people’s community opportunity services, including those living with dementia, which will keep people active and involved in the local community and cared for in a safe environment. It also provides support for carers, giving them an opportunity to have time away from their caring duties.


The recommendation to replace the current block contracts and grants with a new framework will help deliver better quality services and more choice within the same budget and will also enable the transition to the new model of services. For many of these providers it is the beginning of a shift to working in more flexible ways. There will also be ongoing work with the market to develop a fuller range of flexible services.


The existing block arrangements expired on 30 September 2015. Contract extensions based on existing arrangements were put in place until 1 December 2015.  A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation and Procurement Standing Orders has been completed, and the recommendations provide value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.


[The decision on this item may be called in by either the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board or the Wellbeing & Health Scrutiny Board]






The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care informed Members that this report was to award a contract and that this was a new way of looking at delivering these services as it was previously a block contract and would now be a framework.


He stated that the agenda would be tailor made to each individual and outcomes would be based around that individual. He informed Members that Locality Teams would have information to access services in their areas and that these are promoted via Surrey Information Point. He also referred Members to the Equality Impact Assessment that had been undertaken.




That a Framework Agreement for the provision of Community Opportunities for Older People and People Living with Dementia be awarded to the following providers for a period of three years with an option to extend for one year commencing from 1 December 2015.


Lot 1 – Low Level Needs

For older people who are socially isolated or need a little bit of support to get out and about. It could also include people in the early stages of dementia.

Bright Shadow Limited


Spelthorne Borough Council

Surrey Choices

Surrey Crossroads

Lot 2 – Moderate Needs

For individuals in the middle stages of dementia. Individuals accessing this service should be able to continue with activities of daily living but will need help and support.

Alzheimer's Society

Bright Shadow Limited


Spelthorne Borough Council

Surrey Crossroads

Lot 3 – High Needs

For individuals with high needs or end stage dementia likely to have significant memory loss. They may be prone to wandering and will need to be supported in a safe and secure environment.

Alzheimer's Society

Avenues Group South East

Spelthorne Borough Council


Reasons for Decisions:


The recommended framework agreement providers will deliver older people’s community opportunity services, including those living with dementia, which will keep people active and involved in the local community and cared for in a safe environment. It also provides support for carers, giving them an opportunity to have time away from their caring duties.


The recommendation to replace the current block contracts and grants with a new framework will help deliver better quality services and more choice within the same budget and will also enable the transition to the new model of services. For many of these providers it is the beginning of a shift to working in more flexible ways. There will also be ongoing work with the market to develop a fuller range of flexible services.


The existing block arrangements expired on 30 September 2015. Contract extensions based on existing arrangements were put in place until 1 December 2015.  A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation and Procurement Standing Orders has been completed, and the recommendations provide value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.