Issue - meetings

Leadership Risk Register

Meeting: 27/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 198)

198 Leadership Risk Register pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Additional documents:




That the content of the Surrey County Council Leadership risk register , as set out in Annex 1 to the submitted report, be noted and  the control actions put in place by the Statutory Responsibilities Network be endorsed.


Reasons for Decisions:


To enable the Cabinet to keep Surrey County Council’s strategic risks under review and to ensure that appropriate action is being taken to mitigate risks to a tolerable level in the most effective way.


[The decision on this item may be called in by the Council Overview Board]



The Cabinet Member for Business Services and Resident Experience explained that  the Leadership risk register was presented to the Cabinet each quarter and this report presented the Leadership risk register as at 30 September 2015.


She highlighted two new risks and informed Members that there have been some wording changes.


The Leader drew attention to the risks around the Medium Term Financial Plan, safeguarding for Adult Social Care and Children’s Services, national policy development and the spending review.




That the content of the Surrey County Council Leadership risk register , as set out in Annex 1 to the submitted report, be noted and  the control actions put in place by the Statutory Responsibilities Network be endorsed.


Reasons for Decisions:


To enable the Cabinet to keep Surrey County Council’s strategic risks under review and to ensure that appropriate action is being taken to mitigate risks to a tolerable level in the most effective way.