Issue - meetings

Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2014 - 2015

Meeting: 27/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 202)

202 Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2014 - 2015 pdf icon PDF 135 KB

The Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) was a voluntary and not statutory, multi agency Board during the time covered by the Annual Report 2014-2015.

The Board is chaired by an independent chair, Simon Turpitt.

To support the transparency of the Board, the Annual Report is presented to Cabinet. Cabinet is asked to consider and note the Annual Report of the Board (Annex 1).

The Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) became a statutory board from 1 April 2015 as part of the implementation of the Care Act 2014  It will be a statutory requirement for the Board to publish an Annual Report next year.


 [The decision on this item may be called in by the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board]


Additional documents:




1.     That the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report be considered and noted, prior to it being published.

2.     That the next steps for the publication of the Annual report be agreed.


Reasons for Decisions:


These recommendations demonstrate that the Council is well placed to fulfil its obligations under the Care Act to have an established Safeguarding Adults Board in its area.

It will support the SSAB to be transparent by providing information to the public on the performance of the Board in the delivery of its strategic plan.





[This item was taken after item 11].

Simon Turpitt the independent chair of the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) introduced the Annual Report 2014-2015 and reminded Members that the Board was a voluntary, multi agency board at the time covered by the report and that it was a reflection on the year before the Care Act 2014 became law. He explained that the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) became a statutory board from 1 April 2015 and that it will be a statutory requirement for the Board to publish an Annual Report next year.

He highlighted that there had been improvements in the engagement of member agencies and that there an accountability framework was now in place. He informed Members that there had been increase public awareness and that the results of a recent campaign had been really good.

He said that work was being undertaken try and improve data and that there was a programme in place that would be reflected in next year’s report.

He informed Members that there had been two serious case reviews published and that action tracking was in place.

He stated that the Care Act meant that the structure was more robust and that key areas of focus were self neglect and hoarding and that a structure would be put in place to support this.

The Leader commented that the Council contribute 45% of towards the cost of the SSAB.

The Deputy Leader stated that he felt it was a good comprehensive report and queried how many people are involved in the management group and how often did they meet.

The Cabinet Associate for Children and Families Wellbeing queried the narrative around some of the data and was informed that the information came from Adult Social Care and had been interrogated however it did not have an outcome with it.

The Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement referred to the Terms of Reference and action plan and queried that as partnership working was quite low down the list how was the SSAB working with partners. The Chairman of the SSAB stated that the board was not as well advanced as the Children’s Safeguarding Board but it was working hard to meet statutory requirements.



1.           That the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report be considered and noted, prior to it being published.

2.      That the next steps for the publication of the Annual report be agreed.


Reasons for Decisions:


These recommendations demonstrate that the Council is well placed to fulfil its obligations under the Care Act to have an established Safeguarding Adults Board in its area.

It will support the SSAB to be transparent by providing information to the public on the performance of the Board in the delivery of its strategic plan.