179 Award of Contract for the Managed Service for Temporary Agency Resources PDF 217 KB
This report seeks approval to award a contract to Adecco UK & Ireland for a Managed Service for the provision of temporary labour resources to commence on 1 February 2016 as the current arrangements expire on 31 January 2016.
This report provides details of the procurement process, including the results of the evaluation process and, in conjunction with the Part 2 report, demonstrates why the recommended contract award delivers best value for money.
[Note: Due to the commercial sensitivity involved in the contract award process the financial details of the successful supplier have been circulated as a Part 2 report - item 14.]
[The decision on this item may be called in by the Council Overview Board]
Additional documents:
1. That the contract be awarded to Adecco UK & Ireland.
2. That the contract be awarded for an initial period of four years, with an option to extend for up to two further years.
Reasons for Decisions:
During a review of the spend and contracts with the Corporate and Human Resources categories in both Surrey and East Sussex Councils, procurement identified an opportunity to align the expiry of the current contracts and retender as a joint contract to appoint a single provider for both Councils.
Following an assessment of a number of options it was decided that a mini competition process using the “Eastern Shires Purchasing (ESPO) Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resource Framework (ref 653F)” was deemed the most appropriate route to market.
The tender was in compliance with the requirements of Public Contracts Regulations 2006 and the Council’s Procurement Standing Order. The recommendation provides best value for money for this contract in following a thorough evaluation process.
This procurement exercise has been carried out in collaboration with East Sussex County Council to secure a single provider to deliver the service for both Councils
via an individual contract for each Council.
In accordance with their constitution and procurement standing orders, East Sussex County Council have already awarded their contract to Adecco UK & Ireland.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview Board]
Introducing this report, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and Resident Experience said that it sought approval to award a contract to Adecco UK & Ireland for a Managed Service for the provision of temporary labour resources to commence on 1 February 2016 because the current arrangements expired on 31 January 2016. This new contract would be awarded for an initial period of four years.
She said that the Council spent £12m per annum on the supply of temporary resources to help both frontline and back-office functions deliver their services effectively. She highlighted the Procurement Strategy and options, as set out in paragraphs 14 – 19 of the report and also drew attention to typos: the bullet points in paragraph 15 should have been points (a) – (d) and in paragraph 16, it should have said that the tender process described in paragraph 15(c), and not 10(c), was chosen.
She also said that there would be a 16 week mobilisation period to ensure that the system was configured, staff were trained and processes, infrastructure and support agencies were fully in place before the new contract went live. The performance would also be monitored using a Service Level Agreement and Key Performance Indicators and the contract would also utilise local and small and medium sized enterprises.
Finally, she said that the need for an Equalities Impact Assessment had been considered. However, it was not required because there were no implications for any public sector equalities duties due to the nature of services being procured but she did state that as part of delivery of this contract all workers assigned to work or have exposure to vulnerable adults and children would be subject to an enhanced DBS check.
1. That the contract be awarded to Adecco UK & Ireland.
2. That the contract be awarded for an initial period of four years, with an option to extend for up to two further years.
Reasons for Decisions:
During a review of the spend and contracts with the Corporate and Human Resources categories in both Surrey and East Sussex Councils, procurement identified an opportunity to align the expiry of the current contracts and retender as a joint contract to appoint a single provider for both Councils.
Following an assessment of a number of options it was decided that a mini competition process using the “Eastern Shires Purchasing (ESPO) Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resource Framework (ref 653F)” was deemed the most appropriate route to market.
The tender was in compliance with the requirements of Public Contracts Regulations 2006 and the Council’s Procurement Standing Order. The recommendation provides best value for money for this contract in following a thorough evaluation process.
This procurement exercise has been carried out in collaboration with East Sussex County Council to secure a single provider to deliver the service for both Councils
via an individual contract for each Council.
In accordance with their constitution and procurement standing orders, East Sussex County Council have already awarded their contract to Adecco UK ... view the full minutes text for item 179