Issue - meetings

Procurement of SCC's Targeted Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and linked to Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Specialist (CAMHS)

Meeting: 27/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 204)

204 Contract award for Targeted Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Neuro Developmental Disorders Pathway Services pdf icon PDF 273 KB

This report seeks approval from Cabinet to award a three year contract to the recommended tenderer for the provision of Targeted Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and Neuro Developmental Disorder Behaviour Pathway Services to commence on 1 April 2016.  The current contract expires on 31 March 2016.


This report summarises the procurement process, the results of the evaluation and, in conjunction with the Part 2 supplementary report, demonstrates that the recommended tenderer has presented the Most Economically Advantageous Tender that is best value for money.


Due to the commercial sensitivity involved in the contract award process, the names of the potential suppliers and their financial details have been included in the Part 2 supplementary report, item 25.


[The decision on this item may be called in by the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board or the Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Board]


Additional documents:




Following consideration of the results of the procurement process the award of a contract for Targeted Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and the Neuro Developmental Disorder Behaviour Pathway Service be agreed, subject to the S75 agreement, which secures the funding being completed and signed by all Clinical Commissioning Groups before the 12 November 2015.  The contract is for an initial period of three years with an option for the Council to extend for up to two years. Any such extension will be notified in writing to the Service Provider at least 6 months prior to the end of the initial period of the contract.


Reasons for Decisions:


The existing contract with Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SaBP) for Targeted Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) will expire on 31 March 2016.  A restricted tender process (pre-qualification questionnaire, PQQ followed by Invitation to Tender, ITT), in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation, Public Contract Regulations 2015 and Surrey County Council Procurement Standing Orders has been completed, and the recommendation provides best value for money for the Council after undertaking a thorough evaluation process.


[The decision on this item may be called in by either the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board or the Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Board]



The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement who explained that it was a contract award for the provision of Targeted Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and Neuro Developmental Disorder Behaviour Pathway Services.


She informed Members that this was a good news story as there had been very low levels of funding and this had caused concern. The contract had been developed with Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to commence on 1 April 2016 for 3 years with an option to extend. She referred to paragraph 9 of the submitted report that set out the £1.9m additional funding that the County Council would be contributing to Targeted CAMHS.


The Cabinet Associate for Children and Families Wellbeing said that it was an excellent procurement exercise working in conjunction with CCGs. She referred to the service being co-designed and a seamless pathway where every child could get advice and information on where to access services. She said that there was an early intervention focus and that the contact demonstrates value for money and promotes social enterprise. She referred to it covering the following elements:

·        Services for Looked After Children

·        Children and Young People pre and post adoption

·        Adopters and carers

·        Extended Hope (out of hours)

·        Sexual trauma and recovery

·        Infant mental health

·        Care leavers CAMHS service.


The Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement requested that Members consider the detailed Equalities Impact Assessment.


The Cabinet Member for Business Services and Resident Experience said that as the Chairman of the Surrey Equalities Group this was very welcome news to assist with mental health provision across the county.


The Cabinet Associate for Community Safety drew attention to the Equality Impact Assessment and in particular thanked the 26 children and young people that had helped to shape this.




Following consideration of the results of the procurement process the award of a contract for Targeted Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and the Neuro Developmental Disorder Behaviour Pathway Service be agreed, subject to the S75 agreement, which secures the funding being completed and signed by all Clinical Commissioning Groups before the 12 November 2015.  The contract is for an initial period of three years with an option for the Council to extend for up to two years. Any such extension will be notified in writing to the Service Provider at least 6 months prior to the end of the initial period of the contract.


Reasons for Decisions:


The existing contract with Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SaBP) for Targeted Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) will expire on 31 March 2016.  A restricted tender process (pre-qualification questionnaire, PQQ followed by Invitation to Tender, ITT), in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation, Public Contract Regulations 2015 and Surrey County Council Procurement Standing Orders has been completed, and the recommendation provides best value for money for the Council after undertaking a thorough evaluation process.