255 Accommodation with Care and Support PDF 175 KB
This report outlines the future strategy for the provision of accommodation options for residents of Surrey for whom the Council commissions care and support. Whilst the strategy covers all client groups, this report mainly focuses on accommodation with care and support for older people as the largest area of spend within Adult Social Care.
For the purpose of this report, accommodation with care and support refers to a range of housing options where individuals live within private independent units but have care and support services available as required to support them to live independently.
N.B. An annex containing exempt information is contained in Part 2 of the agenda – item 16.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Social Care Services Board].
Additional documents:
1. The Strategic Intent Document for Accommodation with Care and Support be approved.
2. That future developments will include a full business case and be presented for Cabinet approval as appropriate.
Reasons for Decisions:
With changing demographics, increasing financial challenges, and a joint health and social care strategy to support people to live independently in their homes for as long as possible, the Council needs to commission the right accommodation options to meet eligible residents’ health and wellbeing needs. To do this, the Council will work with partners and the private sector to develop the market in Surrey for accommodation with care and support. This paper sets out a clear ambition and message to the market in relation to future needs, and provides a strong base for Surrey to work together with developers in the private sector, as well as Health and District and Borough partners to find the right local solutions.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board]
The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Independence said that this was an unusual report because it was seeking agreement for the strategic intent for the provision of accommodation options for Surrey residents for whom the Council commissioned care and support.
He said that, whilst the strategy covered all client groups, this report mainly focused on accommodation with care and support for older people as the largest area of spend within Adult Social Care and that there would be a further report in relation to People with Learning Disabilities.
He also said that the report gave a range of housing options where individuals could live within private independent units but have care and support services available as required, to support them to live independently and that a full glossary of terms was included, as set out in at Annex 1 to the submitted report.
Finally, the Cabinet Member said that this report sought approval to the approach outlined in the Strategic Intent Document (Annex 2 to the submitted report).
This document set out:
(i) Vision, (ii) Purpose, (iii) Scope, (iv) Context, (v) Principles, (vi) Outcomes
Cabinet was also asked to note the emerging local plans and agree these continue to be developed with partners. (These were presented separately in the part 2 section of the meeting, due to the commercial sensitivity of the plans.)
Other Cabinet Members made the following points:
· That these accommodation choices would enable elderly residents to receive the level of care to age well and to be active until end of life.
· It was a new direction of travel for the Council.
· The importance of working together with partners to plan the right accommodation for Surrey residents.
· This report had been presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board last week and had been well received.
· That this topic should be on the agenda for discussion at a future Surrey Council / Borough / District Leaders’ meeting.
· Support for the person centred Strategic Intent Document.
· That a further Equalities Impact Assessment, evaluating the impact of the local implementation plans would be brought back to Cabinet for further discussion as the individual business cases develop.
The Leader of the Council considered that this report was an excellent piece of work, which set out a new model of delivery for the Council, and thanked Rachel Crossley and her team for the report.
1. The Strategic Intent Document for Accommodation with Care and Support be approved.
2. That future developments will include a full business case and be presented for Cabinet approval as appropriate.
Reasons for Recommendations:
With changing demographics, increasing financial challenges, and a joint health and social care strategy to support people to live independently in their homes for as long as possible, the Council needs to commission the right accommodation options to meet eligible residents’ health and wellbeing needs. To do this, the Council will work with partners and the private sector to develop the market in Surrey for accommodation with care and support. ... view the full minutes text for item 255