Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/09/2015 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 69)


The purpose of this report is to provide an update for Members on progress in implementing the Internal Audit recommendations made following a review of Absence Management conducted in February 2015.


Additional documents:


Declarations of interest:




Sue Lewry-Jones, Chief Internal Auditor


Abid Dar, Senior Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Manager

Rakhi Saigal, Head of HR Operations


Key points raised during the discussion:

1.    The Chief Internal Auditor introduced the report and explained that the committee had expressed an interest in absence management following the completion of an audit report.  Internal Audit had carried out a follow-up audit which found that positive action had been taken to address previous audit recommendations.  The Head of HR Operations and the Senior Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Manager outlined work ongoing in HR to manage absence and encourage healthier lifestyles. 

2.    Members expressed concern that some officers are not properly recording absence.

3.    It was queried how the Council could reduce the proportion of people absent due to problems with joints.  The Head of HR Operations explained that the service with the highest proportion of absence due to problems with joints was Surrey Fire & Rescue.  They are unable to return to work until any problems with joints are fully addressed.  The Senior Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Manager informed the committee that the service had gone out to tender for physiotherapy services which will include online preventative advice and self-assessment tools.  A Member informed the committee that in July a chair he had been sitting on collapsed in the Ashcombe, resulting in his having a series of physiotherapy appointments. Other Members agreed that chairs in County Hall committee rooms could have a detrimental effect on backs.  The Senior Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Manager stated that there appeared to be a degree of perceived flexibility for meeting rooms.  He agreed to pass on the committee’s comments to Facilities and the Director of People and Development (Recommendation Tracker ref: A30/15).

4.    With regard to stress, HR was seeking to build up managers’ confidence to have discussions about stress and mental health with their staff.  At present, absence categories only include stress and not depression.  HR is trying to split this so that clearer data can be gathered on the prevalence of depression. 

5.    Members queried whether vital staff were encouraged to have flu injections.  The Senior Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Manager stated that flu jabs had been looked at but it was costly to bring this on site.  People are able to get flu jabs from a chemist and claim back at work.  HR is planning an information campaign on this.

6.    Members asked how flexible the Council was for planned leave.  The Head of HR Operations stated that the leave policy is quite flexible and would encourage honesty with managers.  She agreed to find out the number of single days of sickness taken and circulate this (Recommendation Tracker ref: A31/15).  She highlighted that the auditor had found the accuracy of short-term sickness leave was not as good as long-term sickness leave.  HR was looking at ways to improve this. 


Action/Further information to note:

      i.        The Senior Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Manager agreed to pass  ...  view the full minutes text for item 69