Issue - meetings

SAP Support and Maintenance

Meeting: 13/10/2015 - Cabinet Member for Business Services and Resident Experience Decisions (Item 3.)

SAP Support and Maintenance

In accordance with Access to Information Rule 6.06(f) (Special Urgency), the Chairman of the Council Overview Board has agreed that the decision cannot be reasonably be deferred because a decision needs to be made by 13 October 2015 due to supplier contract termination and the ability to implement a new solution provider.



1.       That the background information set out in the submitted report be noted.


2.       That a contract be awarded to the recommended provider, for Tier 4 support for a two year term at a value, as detailed in the report.


[N.B. Decision effective with immediate effect because this item was considered under Special Urgency Arrangements and therefore not subject to call in.]