9 Confident in Surrey's Future: Corporate Strategy 2016 - 2021 PDF 268 KB
The Cabinet is asked to endorse a refreshed version of the Council’s Corporate Strategy. The Strategy will then be presented to the County Council meeting on 9 February 2016 for approval alongside the Revenue and Capital Budget. The Strategy will ensure that Surrey residents remain healthy, safe and confident about their future.
Additional documents:
That the refreshed version of Confident in Surrey’s future, Corporate Strategy 2016-2021 be endorsed and that it be recommended for presentation at the County Council meeting on 9 February 2016 for approval alongside the Revenue and Capital Budget 2016-2021.
Reasons for Decisions:
By reconfirming a long term vision for the county and setting goals and key actions for the next financial year the refreshed Corporate Strategy provides a clear sense of direction for Council staff, residents, businesses and partner organisations. As part of the Council’s Policy Framework (as set out in the Constitution) the Corporate Strategy must be approved by the County Council.
The Leader introduced the refreshed Corporate Strategy and informed Members that this would ensure that Surrey residents remain healthy, safe and confident about their future. He stressed that the Council continued to face challenges around delivering more with less financial resource and that the strategy helped to focus attention on what really mattered.
He explained that the strategy presented the Council’s key priorities and set out the strategic goals of wellbeing, economic prosperity and resident experience which were well recognised by staff. He said that there were 5 key actions to be achieved under each goal and that some of the priorities remained similar to last year and asked the Cabinet to endorse the refreshed strategy before it was presented to County Council for approval.
Members confirmed that they were keen to endorse the strategy and that despite the financial situation it was important to be ambitious and keep focussed for Surrey residents.
That the refreshed version of Confident in Surrey’s future, Corporate Strategy 2016-2021 be endorsed and that it be recommended for presentation at the County Council meeting on 9 February 2016 for approval alongside the Revenue and Capital Budget 2016-2021.
Reasons for Decisions:
By reconfirming a long term vision for the county and setting goals and key actions for the next financial year the refreshed Corporate Strategy provides a clear sense of direction for Council staff, residents, businesses and partner organisations. As part of the Council’s Policy Framework (as set out in the Constitution) the Corporate Strategy must be approved by the County Council.