Issue - meetings

IMT Device Refresh

Meeting: 23/02/2016 - Cabinet (Item 32)

32 Contract Award for the Refresh of Desktop and Laptop Devices for Surrey County Council pdf icon PDF 167 KB

This report seeks approval to award a contract to commence 21 March 2016, for the refresh of existing Council desktop and laptop computer devices and associated services.


The report provides details of the procurement process, including the results of the evaluation process and, in conjunction with the Part 2 report which contains commercially sensitive supplier information, demonstrates that the recommended contract award provides best value for money for the taxpayer.


For staff to provide services to our residents, Surrey County Council requires approximately 1,200 Desktop computer devices approximately 5,500 Mobile computer devices for staff that work flexibly. 


It is at least 4 years since Surrey County Council last performed a major refresh of the hardware and software of the computer devices used. These devices are now out of warranty, are in many cases ‘end of life,’ are failing more often, and require more maintenance.


This contract decision is being made in line with East Sussex County Council and Surrey County Council’s future plans to integrate and align IT systems across the Orbis Partnership.


N.B. An annex containing exempt information is contained in Part 2 of the agenda – item 14.


[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Council Overview Board]


Additional documents:



1.         That a call-off contract be awarded under the terms of the Crown Commercial Services Framework RM1054 to XMA Ltd for the provision of Desktop and Laptop devices and associated Services for Surrey County Council to commence on 21 March 2016.


2.         That the contract is for an initial period of one year with an option for the Council to extend for two further periods of one year.


Reasons for Decisions:


Following the expiry of the last refresh contract some time ago, additional device supply and service has been ad-hoc across a number of suppliers. To perform a device refresh using these ad-hoc arrangements would require far greater controls by the Council to manage efficiently and would not leverage purchasing scale to achieve best value for money.


The main aim of the refresh programme is to provide Council staff with a refreshed desktop or laptop device that will enable them to work more efficiently and flexibly and so improve services provided to residents.


A competition in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation, Public Contract Regulations 2015 and Surrey County Council Procurement Standing Orders has been completed, and the recommendation provides best value for money for the Council after undertaking a thorough evaluation process.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview Board]




This report sought approval to award a contract to commence 21 March 2016, for the refresh of existing Council desktop and laptop computer devices and associated services.


The Cabinet Member for Business Services and Resident Experience said that it was at least 4 years since Surrey County Council last performed a major refresh of the hardware and software of the computer devices used. These devices were now out of warranty, were in many cases ‘end of life,’ were failing more often, and required more maintenance.


She confirmed that the financial and value for money details of the contract would be discussed in the Part 2 section of the meeting and commended the contract’s approval to Cabinet.




1.         That a call-off contract be awarded under the terms of the Crown Commercial Services Framework RM1054 to XMA Ltd for the provision of Desktop and Laptop devices and associated Services for Surrey County Council to commence on 21 March 2016.


2.         That the contract is for an initial period of one year with an option for the Council to extend for two further periods of one year.


Reasons for Decisions:


Following the expiry of the last refresh contract some time ago, additional device supply and service has been ad-hoc across a number of suppliers. To perform a device refresh using these ad-hoc arrangements would require far greater controls by the Council to manage efficiently and would not leverage purchasing scale to achieve best value for money.


The main aim of the refresh programme is to provide Council staff with a refreshed desktop or laptop device that will enable them to work more efficiently and flexibly and so improve services provided to residents.


A competition in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation, Public Contract Regulations 2015 and Surrey County Council Procurement Standing Orders has been completed, and the recommendation provides best value for money for the Council after undertaking a thorough evaluation process.