Issue - meetings

Proposal to Expand Guildford County School (Academy) 20 Places Per Year

Meeting: 07/01/2016 - Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement Decisions (Item 3.)

3. Proposal to Expand Guildford County School (Academy) 20 Places Per Year pdf icon PDF 212 KB

The Governing Body of Guildford County School (academy) in partnership with Surrey County Council (SCC) has consulted on a proposal to expand the school by 20 places per year from September 2017.


Following a public consultation on the education rationale for the proposal, the Governing Body of the academy agreed unanimously on 7 December 2015 with the following motion: following extensive consultation with all stakeholders, the governing body agrees a Published Admissions Number (PAN) increase from 160 to 180 in 2017, subject to sufficient funding from Surrey County Council.


The Cabinet Member is asked to review a summary of the consultation responses provided within this report and to note the Governing Body’s decision ahead of the of the request for capital investment due to be put forward to Cabinet in February 2016. 



That the formal decision of the Governing Body of Guildford County School to expand by 20 places per year be noted by the Cabinet Member.