Issue - meetings

Agenda Item 1

Meeting: 10/03/2016 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 8)


To update the Board on any key issues relevant to its areas of work, membership and terms of reference.



Key points raised during the discussions:


1.    The Board was informed that planning for the submission of the 2016/17 Better Care Fund plan was underway, a briefing detailing the process and timelines was circulated to Board members for consideration. Members were further made aware that the Board would be asked to sign off the 2016/17 Better Care Fund plan at its meeting on 7 April and, as such, would begin with a meeting held in public on 7 April before moving into a private workshop.

2.    The Chairman stated that Dr Liz Lawn was stepping down from her role as Clinical Chair of North west Surrey CCG from 31 March 2016 and that, from this date, she would no longer be a member of the Health and Wellbeing Board. The Chairman thanked Dr Lawn on behalf of members for her contribution to the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board. Members were advised that Dr Charlotte Caniff had been elected as the new Clinical Chair of North west Surrey CCG and subsequently would take up position as a permanent member of the Board. Members were further informed that the Board would be asked to formally ratify Dr David Eyre-Brook as Co-Chair at its next meeting held in public. 


Actions/further information to be provided:





