Issue - meetings

Highway Winter Maintenance Depot & Salt Barn

Meeting: 26/04/2016 - Cabinet (Item 78)

78 Highway Winter Maintenance Depot and Salt Barn Replacement Programme pdf icon PDF 149 KB

Additional documents:


1.     That the business case for the provision of new/refurbished highway winter maintenance facilities at Beare Green, Lyne Lane (Chertsey) and Merrow be approved.


2.     That approval be delegated, to proceed to appoint consultants and contractors to undertake the design and construction of the proposed works, to the Chief Property Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business Services, subject to the following pre-conditions: receipt of planning consent and confirmation that agreed contracts do not exceed the total capital investment identified in paragraph 2 of Agenda Item 18.


3.     That it be noted that following the completion of works at Beare Green and Lyne Lane, the depot accommodation included in Agenda Item 18  will be surplus to requirements.


Reasons for Decisions


The provision of a new depot in east Surrey and the relocation of an existing depot in west Surrey, both on existing council land, will ensure that the Council’s resilience to effectively respond to snow events is enhanced. The new depot will increase the salt stock stored locally in east Surrey from 4,500 to 7,100 tonnes. The revised network of depots will also be better located to maintain the pre-treatment of highways routes during icy weather within the agreed response times.


The replacement of the life expired barn at Merrow will provide additional salt storage capacity, reduce the stock loss through erosion and minimise potential leachate contamination.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways Board]


The Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding introduced the report by saying that the locations of the Highways Winter Maintenance Depots across the county had been looked at and that the aim was to ensure better distribution across Surrey. As a result there was a plan to open two depots and expand another one.


He explained that there were issues with the deterioration of salt due to the condition of the depot buildings and by replacing the current depots this would improve distribution of salt during bad weather. As a result, it would be a better deal for residents, would save money and be more efficient.


The Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Public Health said that it was good to look at the whole county and that she was particularly pleased to see the Beare Green depot remaining open as part of the solution as it was a depot in the heart of a rural community.




1.     That the business case for the provision of new/refurbished highway winter maintenance facilities at Beare Green, Lyne Lane (Chertsey) and Merrow be approved.


2.     That approval be delegated, to proceed to appoint consultants and contractors to undertake the design and construction of the proposed works, to the Chief Property Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business Services, subject to the following pre-conditions: receipt of planning consent and confirmation that agreed contracts do not exceed the total capital investment identified in paragraph 2 of Agenda Item 18.


3.     That it be noted that following the completion of works at Beare Green and Lyne Lane, the depot accommodation included in Agenda Item 18  will be surplus to requirements.


Reasons for Decisions


The provision of a new depot in east Surrey and the relocation of an existing depot in west Surrey, both on existing council land, will ensure that the Council’s resilience to effectively respond to snow events is enhanced. The new depot will increase the salt stock stored locally in east Surrey from 4,500 to 7,100 tonnes. The revised network of depots will also be better located to maintain the pre-treatment of highways routes during icy weather within the agreed response times.


The replacement of the life expired barn at Merrow will provide additional salt storage capacity, reduce the stock loss through erosion and minimise potential leachate contamination.