Issue - meetings

SEND Transport Policy

Meeting: 24/05/2016 - Cabinet (Item 100)

100 Travel Assistance Policies for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities pdf icon PDF 167 KB

The Children and Families Act 2014 and associated statutory guidance sets out the local authority’s responsibilities in respect of travel assistance for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The existing policies have been reviewed and this report recommends adoption of a revised policy for those who are pre 16 (Annex 1) and a new policy for those who are 16-25 years old (Annex 2). The policies proposed have been through a 12 week period of consultation and were updated in light of feedback.  The proposed policies support delivery of our wellbeing and resident experience strategic goals in addition to our SEND 2020 Development Plan.


[The decision on this item may be called in by the Education and Skills Scrutiny Board]


Additional documents:


1.         That the updated policy for Travel Assistance for Children and Young People with an Education, Health and Care plan/statement of special educational needs (pre 16) from 1 September 2016 be adopted.

2.         That the updated policy for Travel Assistance for Children and Young People with an Education, Health and Care Plan/statement of special educational needs (16-25 years) from 1 September 2016 be adopted.

3.         That the proposed charge per day to all post 16 students with an Education, Health and Care Plan starting in year 12 from September 2016 onwards be approved.

4.         That the charge to post 16 students be adjusted annually from 1 September, by the March Retail Price Index or Consumer Price Index whichever is the lower rate.

5.         That the County Council mileage rates be set in line with the Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) rates that are designed to cover fuel and running costs for each mile of travel.


Reasons for Decisions:


The Local Authority is required to have robust, equitable, coherent and transparent policies in line with Department for Education (DfE) Home to School Transport Statutory Guidance (July 2014) and the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Code of Practice 2014. The policies will also ensure there is an equitable approach to Post 16 travel for learners with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and a more flexible approach for families choosing to use the parent mileage scheme.


[The decision on this item may be called in by the Education and Skills Scrutiny Board]



The Children and Families Act 2014 and associated statutory guidance set out the local authority’s responsibilities in respect of travel assistance for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).


The Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement advised Cabinet that the existing policies had been reviewed and this report recommended adoption of a revised policy for those who were pre-16, Annex 1 to the submitted report and a new policy for those who are 16-25 years old, Annex 2 to the submitted report.


She said that there was a new statutory requirement to have a travel assistance policy for young people with SEND, who were between 16 – 25 years old, to be published by 31 May 2016.  The policies proposed had been through a 12 week period of consultation and had been updated in light of feedback.  The proposed policies supported delivery of the Council’s wellbeing and resident experience strategic goals in addition to the Council’s SEND 2020 Development Plan.


She gave details of the SEND Travel Group and said that the Group had developed and proposed the amended policies which had then been subject to 12 weeks consultation. The themes raised by the consultation feedback had been addressed and included within the report. She also read out a statement from Family Voice.


She informed Cabinet of the high cost of SEND transport but said that these proposals would be largely cost neutral, however, they may provide better value for money and generate savings in the long term.


She drew attention to the detailed Equality Impact Assessments, for both pre and post 16 age groups. These were attached to the report and she confirmed that both had been fully approved and neither was a draft report. She also amended Annex 2 (Travel Assistance for Young People with an Education, Health and Care Plan / statement of SEN aged 16-25 years), stating that within Section 6.3 -Journey Times, it should read: ‘the journey time will be under 75 minutes...’


She also deleted the last two paragraphs of Section 8: Review of this Policy.


Finally, she confirmed that the policies would be adopted, published by 31 May 2016 and communicated widely. Also, that the Parents Guide would be co-produced, with families by 31 July 2016.




1.         That the updated policy for Travel Assistance for Children and Young People with an Education, Health and Care plan/statement of special educational needs (pre 16) from 1 September 2016 be adopted.

2.         That the updated policy for Travel Assistance for Children and Young People with an Education, Health and Care Plan/statement of special educational needs (16-25 years) from 1 September 2016 be adopted.

3.         That the proposed charge per day to all post 16 students with an Education, Health and Care Plan starting in year 12 from September 2016 onwards be approved.

4.         That the charge to post 16 students be adjusted annually from 1 September, by the March Retail Price Index or Consumer Price Index whichever is the lower rate.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 100