Issue - meetings

Home from Hospital

Meeting: 14/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 153)

153 Surrey County Council Home from Hospital Support Services - Contract Award pdf icon PDF 143 KB

This report seeks approval from Cabinet to award two contracts for the provision of a Home from Hospital support service to commence 1 October 2016.


The Home from Hospital support service provides assistance to vulnerable people who are discharged from hospital and returning to their home. It enables people to regain their confidence and ability to live in their own home and re-connect with the community.


In response to the identified need for a Home from Hospital support service and the changing demographics of Surrey, officers undertook a joint procurement exercise with Surrey’s six main Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to identify and secure the most appropriate way to deliver a Home from Hospital support service in Surrey.

The report provides details of the collaborative procurement exercise, including results of the evaluation process and demonstrates why the recommended contract awards deliver best value for money.


This service is aligned to the Council’s strategic goal of Wellbeing through supporting vulnerable people on their return Home from Hospital. 


N.B. an annex containing exempt information is contained in Part 2 of the agenda – item 15.


[The decision on this item may be called in by either the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board or the Council Overview Board]


Additional documents:




  1. That the contracts be awarded for one year, from 1 October 2016 with an option to extend for two further periods of one year each.

·        Red Cross – Lot 3 East Surrey.

·        Home Group Limited – Lot 1 Northwest Surrey,  Lot 2 Surrey Downs, Lot 4 Guildford and Waverley, Lot 5 Surrey Heath, North East Hampshire and Farnham.


  1. That the combined annual contract value of the two contracts awarded be £335,000.00 (£1,005,000.00 including extension periods).


Reasons for decisions


The existing grant agreement, which is funded from the Better Care Fund, will expire on 30 September 2016.  There is a continuing need for a service to support individuals who are ready to be discharged from hospital and return home with short term support. This service has contributed towards a reduction in hospital readmissions and gives confidence to individuals to continue living at home. This tender exercise was conducted in compliance with procurement legislation and Procurement Standing Orders. The recommendations provide best value for money for the Council and the Clinical Commissioning Groups.



The Cabinet Associate for Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Independence introduced the report by informing Members that it was seeking approval to award two contracts for the provision of a Home from Hospital support service which would commence on 1 October 2016.


He explained that the Home from Hospital support service provided assistance to vulnerable people who were discharged from hospital and were returning to their home. He went onto say that officers undertook a joint procurement exercise with Surrey’s six main Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and that the report provided details of the collaborative procurement exercise, including the results of the evaluation process and demonstrated why the recommended contract awards deliver best value for money.

Members reflected that it was excellent to see that 39% of the evaluation was geared towards service delivery and that it was good to see it was not price focussed. They felt that it was an excellent example of working together and that it demonstrated that more joined up thinking was taking place.


The Leader of the Council requested that the Social Care Services Board undertook a review of the performance measures within the contract in the future.




  1. That the contracts be awarded for one year, from 1 October 2016 with an option to extend for two further periods of one year each.

·        Red Cross – Lot 3 East Surrey.

·        Home Group Limited – Lot 1 Northwest Surrey,  Lot 2 Surrey Downs, Lot 4 Guildford and Waverley, Lot 5 Surrey Heath, North East Hampshire and Farnham.


  1. That the combined annual contract value of the two contracts awarded be £335,000.00 (£1,005,000.00 including extension periods).


Reasons for decisions


The existing grant agreement, which is funded from the Better Care Fund, will expire on 30 September 2016.  There is a continuing need for a service to support individuals who are ready to be discharged from hospital and return home with short term support. This service has contributed towards a reduction in hospital readmissions and gives confidence to individuals to continue living at home. This tender exercise was conducted in compliance with procurement legislation and Procurement Standing Orders. The recommendations provide best value for money for the Council and the Clinical Commissioning Groups.