198 Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2015-2016 PDF 135 KB
The Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board is a statutory Board. Its responsibilities are set out in the Care Act and is headed by an Independent Chairman.
Safeguarding Adults Boards nationally have a statutory duty to publish an annual report, the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report for 2015/16 is contained in Annex 1.
This report is presented to the Cabinet by the Independent Chairman and complies with the statutory requirements under the Care Act 2014.
The recommendation within this report supports the Council’s strategic ‘Wellbeing’ priority.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board]
Additional documents:
That the Cabinet considered and noted the attached Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report prior to it being published.
Reasons for Decisions
This annual report highlights the achievements of the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board during the year and provides the Cabinet with an opportunity to understand the issues within the Adult Social Care directorate in respect of safeguarding over the past year.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care introduced the report and stated that the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board has a statutory duty to publish an annual report. Attention was drawn to page 17 of the report which highlighted some of the headline figures around safeguarding in Surrey. The Cabinet Member highlighted that there had been a reduction in the number of new safeguarding enquiries from the previous year but stated that the introduction of a cap on household benefits at £20,000 per annum may lead to this figure rising next year.
The Cabinet Member for Localities and Communities Wellbeing referenced the percentage of safeguarding enquiries which related to financial abuse and highlighted the work of Trading Standards in protecting vulnerable residents from being financially exploited by prosecuting unscrupulous traders that operated in the County.
Concerns were raised by the Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Health in regard to the potential impact that the benefits cap could have on vulnerable residents in the County informing the Cabinet that there are a significant number of residents in Surrey who suffer from mental health problems or drug abuse issues who would be adversely impacted by the reduction in the amount of benefits that households can claim. She highlighted that Surrey County Council (SCC) would work closely with district and borough councils to mitigate the impact of the benefits cap on vulnerable residents.
Other Cabinet Members made the following comments:
· Attention was drawn to the contribution oft Surrey Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) to safeguarding in the County through newly implemented Safe and Well Visits. Fire officers visited elderly and vulnerable residents signposting them to relevant services
· 18 October was Modern Slavery Awareness day and it was fitting that Cabinet was considering the Surrey Safeguarding Board Annual Report given that human trafficking was a reality throughout the UK including in Surrey.
· Surrey is often viewed as an affluent county but this masks the fact that they are a significant number of vulnerable residents who require protection for a variety of reasons.
· The Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board was congratulated for the great work it does in protecting elderly, disabled and otherwise vulnerable individuals in the County.
That the Cabinet considered and noted the attached Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report prior to it being published.
Reasons for Decisions
This annual report highlights the achievements of the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board during the year and provides the Cabinet with an opportunity to understand the issues within the Adult Social Care directorate in respect of safeguarding over the past year.