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The Cabinet is asked to consider the Surrey School Organisation Plan 2016/17 - 2025/26 for publication.
The School Organisation Plan sets out the policies and principles underpinning school organisation in Surrey. It highlights the likely demand for school places projected over a 10 year period, and set out any potential changes in school organisation that may be required in order to meet the statutory duty to provide sufficient places.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED (as amended):
1. The School Organisation Plan 2016/17 - 2025/26 be approved for recommendation to Council to determine its publication.
2. That at present the funding for the increased number of school places within this Plan has not been fully identified.
Reasons for Decisions:
The School Organisation Plan is a key document used by schools and education stakeholders in considering long term plans. It is necessary to review the Plan to ensure that the best and most up to date information is published for use in this planning process.
Introducing this report, the Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement requested that the Cabinet considered and recommended to Council, the Surrey School Organisation Plan 2016/17 - 2025/26, for publication.
She said that the County Council was in the middle of a huge school expansion programme and that the School Organisation Plan set out the policies and principles underpinning school organisation in Surrey. It also highlighted the likely demand for school places projected over a 10 year period, and set out any potential changes in school organisation that may be required in order to meet the statutory duty to provide sufficient places. She said that this Plan set out the current position in Surrey and included more detail on Early Years and 14 – 25 year old provision than in previous Plans. This Plan also included a review of the Special Educational Needs and Disability provision in Surrey.
She confirmed that the Council worked closely with Boroughs and Districts to ensure that appropriate contributions from developers were received, to meet the future education infrastructure demand of additional housing.
She thanked officers from the school place planning team for their accurate forecasting which continued to be nationally recognised.
Lastly, she proposed replacing recommendation (2) so that it now read:
‘That, at present the funding for the increased number of school places within the Plan has not yet been fully identified.’
Other Cabinet Members were invited to comment on the proposals in their Boroughs and Districts and made the following observations:
· The considerable challenge to Surrey, as the birth rate in the County increased, as demonstrated by the table within the report.
· That the need varied between Boroughs and Districts.
· Concern for the future funding for increased numbers of school places.
· The number of bulge classes in Reigate and Banstead – thanks to all staff who helped to ensure that there were places for all pupils in that area.
· That need can vary within a Borough, particularly between rural and urban elements of the Borough / District but that staff in rural schools had different challenges.
· The importance of working closely with Boroughs and Districts to ensure there was accurate forecasting for school places
RESOLVED (as amended):
1. The School Organisation Plan 2016/17 - 2025/26 be approved for recommendation to Council to determine its publication.
2. That at present the funding for the increased number of school places within this Plan has not been fully identified.
Reasons for Decisions:
The School Organisation Plan is a key document used by schools and education stakeholders in considering long term plans. It is necessary to review the Plan to ensure that the best and most up to date information is published for use in this planning process.
[Note: the following item was moved up the agenda and taken next.]