197 Farnham Heath End Secondary School, Farnham PDF 498 KB
There has been a significant increase in the demand for school places in the Farnham area reflecting increases in birth rates in the area and the consequent increase in the Primary age population. The Council has supported increases in primary schools in the area, and this increase is now being experienced in the Secondary Sector.
As a result the Cabinet is asked to approve the business case for the expansion of Farnham Heath End School from 190 places per year / 7 Forms of Entry (950 places) to 220 places per year / 8 Forms of Entry (1,100 places) to help meet the demand for additional secondary places in Farnham from September 2018.
N.B. an annex containing exempt information is contained in Part 2 of the agenda – item 14
[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Children & Education Select Committee]
Additional documents:
That, subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information for the expansion set out in item 14 in Part 2 of this agenda, the Business Case is approved for the expansion of Farnham Heath End School, providing an additional 30 places per year (150 places in total).
Reason for Decision:
The proposal supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places relative to demand.
[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Education explained the significant increase in the demand for school places in the Farnham area reflecting increases in birth rates in the area and the consequent increase in the Primary age population. The Council had supported increases in primary schools in the area, and this increase was now being experienced in the Secondary Sector. She was confident that the expansion and the new Executive Head would give impetus to improvements for the future.
This report sought the approval of the business case for the expansion of Farnham Heath End School from 190 places per year / 7 Forms of Entry (950 places) to 220 places per year / 8 Forms of Entry (1,100 places) to help meet the demand for additional secondary places in Farnham from September 2018.
That, subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information for the expansion set out in item 14 in Part 2 of the agenda, the Business Case for the expansion of Farnham Heath End School, providing an additional 30 places per year (150 places in total) was approved.
Reason for Decision:
The proposal supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places relative to demand.
[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee]