Issue - meetings

Approval for the Fire and Rescue Service to Trial the Use of Initial Response Vehicles and Award a Contract for the Provision

Meeting: 13/12/2016 - Cabinet (Item 273)

Approval for the Fire and Rescue Service to Trial the Use of Initial Response Vehicles and Award a Contract for the Provision

This is the Part 2 annex relating to item 17.


Exempt: Not for publication under Paragraph 3


Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resident Experience Board]

Additional documents:


RESOLVED (as amended):


1.       That a contract for an Initial Response Vehicle Concept be awarded to Rosenbauer UK Ltd, consisting of an initial period of one year to provide two IRVs and the financial details were set out in the submitted part 2 report.

Subject to the completion of a successful pilot, an option to extend for a further two years for up to a further four IRVs be agreed.


2.       Cabinet confirms that the recommendations are subject to the provisional Local Government Settlement providing a significant response to the fundamental financial challenges facing the County Council.


3.       That the Leader will decide whether the condition in recommendation 2 has been met, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Chief Executive.


Reasons for Decisions:


As detailed in the part 1 report (item 17).


Whilst the potential value for money from this approach is clear the County Council is facing unprecedented financial pressures therefore it would not be sensible to agree additional expenditure without understanding the implications of the provisional Local Government Settlement.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resident Experience Board]





RESOLVED (as amended):


1.      That a contract for an Initial Response Vehicle Concept be awarded to Rosenbauer UK Ltd, consisting of an initial period of one year to provide two IRVs and the financial details were set out in the submitted part 2 report.

         Subject to the completion of a successful pilot, an option to extend for a further two years for up to a further four IRVs be agreed.


2.       Cabinet confirms that the recommendations are subject to the provisional Local Government Settlement providing a significant response to the fundamental financial challenges facing the County Council.


3.       That the Leader will decide whether the condition in recommendation 2 has been met, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Chief Executive.


Reasons for Decisions:


As detailed in the part 1 report (item 17).


Whilst the potential value for money from this approach is clear the County Council is facing unprecedented financial pressures therefore it would not be sensible to agree additional expenditure without understanding the implications of the provisional Local Government Settlement.