In order to meet the timescales for delivering assets and infrastructure projects including those which form part of Schools Expansion Programme approval to use a range of framework agreements and to delegate authority to award contracts over £500,000 are requested.
Cabinet will exercise control over commitment of expenditure via a forward plan tracker, member updates and by the continuing need for Cabinet approval for the Business Case of projects before they are formally tendered.
[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Council Overview Board]
Additional documents:
1. The use of a range of existing framework agreements to deliver Surrey County Council’s (SCC) construction projects be approved.
2. In order to reduce timescales for awarding these contracts that authority to award contracts above £500,000 in value, either where a competitive tender procedure has been followed under a Framework Agreement compliant with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, or where a local procedure has been followed in accordance with Procurement Standing Orders for contracts below the Regulations Thresholds be delegated to the Chief Property Officer in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Portfolio Holder as appropriate, Assistant Director of Procurement and Section 151 Officer.
Reasons for decisions:
Property Services are responsible for delivery of construction projects including the Schools Basic Needs Programme which together are estimated to be £200m over the next 4 years.
In order to deliver this Programme Property and Procurement Services are developing a Delivery Model for Orbis which will involve the use of a suite of complementary procurement arrangements. These include existing regional construction frameworks and other frameworks for construction works and services which are used by the Council, as listed in paragraph 4 of the submitted report.
The Delivery Model will be supplemented with a new Orbis Construction Framework and Orbis Professional and Technical Services Framework which are being procured concurrently. The recommendation to award/use these two Orbis Construction Frameworks will be presented to Cabinet for approval in June 2017.
In order to reduce timescales for awarding contracts above £500,000 in value Cabinet is requested to delegate authority to award contracts. This proposed scheme builds on the principles established under previous delegations for contracts over £500,000 in value approved by Cabinet on 25 September 2012 and on 4 February 2014.
[The decision on this item may be called in by the Council Overview Board]
In order to meet the timescales for delivering assets and infrastructure projects including those which form part of Schools Expansion Programme approval to use a range of framework agreements and to delegate authority to award contracts over £500,000 was requested.
Cabinet would exercise control over commitment of expenditure via a forward plan tracker, member updates and by the continuing need for Cabinet approval for the Business Case of projects before they were formally tendered.
1. The use of a range of existing framework agreements to deliver Surrey County Council’s (SCC) construction projects be approved.
2. In order to reduce timescales for awarding these contracts that authority to award contracts above £500,000 in value, either where a competitive tender procedure has been followed under a Framework Agreement compliant with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, or where a local procedure has been followed in accordance with Procurement Standing Orders for contracts below the Regulations Thresholds be delegated to the Chief Property Officer in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Portfolio Holder as appropriate, Assistant Director of Procurement and Section 151 Officer.
Reasons for decisions:
Property Services are responsible for delivery of construction projects including the Schools Basic Needs Programme which together are estimated to be £200m over the next 4 years.
In order to deliver this Programme Property and Procurement Services are developing a Delivery Model for Orbis which will involve the use of a suite of complementary procurement arrangements. These include existing regional construction frameworks and other frameworks for construction works and services which are used by the Council, as listed in paragraph 4 of the submitted report.
The Delivery Model will be supplemented with a new Orbis Construction Framework and Orbis Professional and Technical Services Framework which are being procured concurrently. The recommendation to award/use these two Orbis Construction Frameworks will be presented to Cabinet for approval in June 2017.
In order to reduce timescales for awarding contracts above £500,000 in value Cabinet is requested to delegate authority to award contracts. This proposed scheme builds on the principles established under previous delegations for contracts over £500,000 in value approved by Cabinet on 25 September 2012 and on 4 February 2014.