Issue - meetings

Surrey Heartlands Sustainability & Transformation Plan

Meeting: 28/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 50)

50 Surrey Heartlands Sustainability & Transformation Plan pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Surrey County Council is playing an important role in the development of the three Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) across Surrey. These Plans will play a pivotal role in shaping the future health and care priorities and landscape across Surrey.


This report follows the Sustainability and Transformation Plans report presented to the Cabinet on 18 October 2016 – it provides an update on the Surrey Heartlands STP and the development of a health devolution agreement for Surrey Heartlands.


[The decision on this item may be called in by the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board]


Additional documents:






1.  the progress that has been made in the development of the Surrey Heartlands Sustainability and Transformation Plan be noted;

2.  specific update in relation to the development of a health devolution agreement for Surrey Heartlands and the opportunities that it could bring to residents be considered; and

3.  the proposed governance principles for health devolution and asks the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Wellbeing and Health; Adults Social Care, Wellbeing and Independence; and Children and Families Wellbeing to take the necessary steps to finalise and implement the new arrangements were endorsed.


Reasons for Decisions:


In the six months since the last STP update to Cabinet, significant progress has been made in the development of the Surrey Heartlands STP.


Recent dialogue with residents (through a deliberative research exercise) has shown that the types of changes under consideration as part of the STP (such as more self and community based care, greater reliance on non-medical services and intervention) were all regarded positively in the context of a more joined up and efficient health and care system that could provide greater access at times that suited residents.


To further the intentions set out in the STP, a dialogue with national partners has taken place to develop a health devolution agreement. The devolution agreement is stated as a key mechanism for enabling the STP aims and ambitions as well as the integration of health and social care.


The Cabinet will be kept informed of progress on the STP, devolution discussions and the associated opportunities being explored.


[This decision may be called in by the Social Care Services Board]


The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Health who highlighted the continuing role that Surrey County Council was playing in the development of the three Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) operating in Surrey and advised that these would lead to closer integration between health and social care services in the county.


The Cabinet Member then read out a statement from Surrey Heartlands STP’s Transformation Board regarding the development of the draft text for a Memorandum of Understanding with NHS England and NHS Improvement to devolve responsibilities for the delivery of healthcare services to Surrey Heartlands. The Cabinet was informed that the draft Memorandum of Understanding included details on a range of areas related to the devolution deal including expected improvements in residents’ health; the scope of devolution envisaged; governance arrangements; a road map for delivery and transformation funding that would be made available over the next three years to achieve devolution. It was anticipated that the final text for the Memorandum of Understanding would be ready for SCC to sign following County Council elections on 4 May 2017.


The Cabinet Member stressed the importance of having strong governance arrangements in place to ensure that devolution was a success and advised that SCC’s past experience of working with Surrey’s Clinical Commissioning Groups would be vital for achieving this.


The financial and value for money implications outlined in the report were also highlighted by the Cabinet Member who emphasised that closer integration of health and social care facilitated by devolution would contribute to ensuring that services remained sustainable in the long term.


The Deputy Leader of the Council welcomed the report and opportunities presented by the proposed devolution agreement for Surrey Heartlands stating that closer integration in the delivery of health and social care services could make a real difference for residents.






1.  the progress that has been made in the development of the Surrey Heartlands Sustainability and Transformation Plan be noted;

2.  specific update in relation to the development of a health devolution agreement for Surrey Heartlands and the opportunities that it could bring to residents be considered; and

3.  the proposed governance principles for health devolution and asks the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Wellbeing and Health; Adults Social Care, Wellbeing and Independence; and Children and Families Wellbeing to take the necessary steps to finalise and implement the new arrangements were endorsed.


Reasons for Decisions:


In the six months since the last STP update to Cabinet, significant progress has been made in the development of the Surrey Heartlands STP.


Recent dialogue with residents (through a deliberative research exercise) has shown that the types of changes under consideration as part of the STP (such as more self and community based care, greater reliance on non-medical services and intervention) were all regarded positively in the context of a more joined up and efficient health and care system that could provide greater access at times that suited residents.


To further the intentions set  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50