173 Children Schools and Families Commissioning Plan 2017-22 PDF 150 KB
The Child First Commissioning Intentions have been developed at a time when unprecedented financial pressures are being faced by Surrey County Council, stemming from decreasing funding from central government and increasing demand for Council services. This statement of commissioning intentions provides an overall strategic framework for Children, Schools and Families for 2017-2022, with an emphasis on the importance of Early Help. The commissioning intentions will drive our commissioning to achieve value for money and, as part of our overall service, to ensure children get the right help, care and protection at the right time so they are safe and can thrive.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. The Commissioning Intentions set out in Child First 2017-2022 was agreed.
2. To delegate authority to Cabinet Member for Children, Cabinet Member for Education, and Director for Children’s Services, to make changes to the commissioning intentions, including those necessary to meet requirements of the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2018-22.
Reason for decision
The commissioning intentions are the response to the Surrey Children & Young People’s Partnership Strategy 2017-22 and provide a clear framework of strategic action for children, schools and families in Surrey, which addresses MTFP challenges for 2017-21 and provides a basis for the approach for 2018-22.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee]
This report was introduced by Mrs Clare Curran, Cabinet Member for Children and it was reported that the Child First Commissioning Intentions had been developed at a time when unprecedented financial pressures were being faced by Surrey County Council, stemming from decreasing funding from central government and increasing demand for Council services. The Council had already saved over £450m with a further saving required of £103m for 2017/18 and £75m for the next two years. This was being felt especially in children, schools and families.
The statement set out 10 commissioning intentions that provided an overall strategic framework for Children, Schools and Families for 2017-2022, with an emphasis on the importance of Early Help. The commissioning intentions will drive the Council’s commissioning to achieve value for money and, as part of the overall service, to ensure children get the right help, care and protection at the right time so they are safe and can thrive. She also explained that this was the first time a plan like this had been formulated and thanked staff for their work in producing it.
Additionally, further work was underway alongside planning for 2018-23; this focused on more rigorous modelling of future demand on services and developing a robust approach to local decision making and market development. This will mean more needs met locally and delivery managed sustainably within planned budgets.
The Cabinet Member for Education explained how the Select Committee had scrutinised the plan and were happy with the data-informed approach. They also wanted to ensure that this plan merged with others and made suggestions that had been incorporated into the plan.
The Cabinet Member for Health stated that it was a good plan and emphasised the tagline that children should be seen, be heard and kept safe.
1. The Commissioning Intentions set out in Child First 2017-2022 was agreed.
2. To delegate authority to Cabinet Member for Children, Cabinet Member for Education, and Director for Children’s Services, to make changes to the commissioning intentions, including those necessary to meet requirements of the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2018-22.
Reason for decision
The commissioning intentions are the response to the Surrey Children & Young People’s Partnership Strategy 2017-22 and provide a clear framework of strategic action for children, schools and families in Surrey, which addresses MTFP challenges for 2017-21 and provides a basis for the approach for 2018-22.