Issue - meetings

Property Transactions

Meeting: 31/10/2017 - Cabinet (Item 186)

Town Centre Regeneration – October 2017 Update

Exempt: Not for publication under Paragraph 3


Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Overview & Budget Scrutiny Committee]


Additional documents:




  1. Cabinet’s approval for Surrey County Council’s acquisition of a long leasehold interest as highlighted in the submitted report in accordance with the details outlined in that report be reaffirmed;


  1. Cabinet’s approval for the funding and reimbursement arrangements for Surrey County Council in relation to the acquisition of the leasehold be reaffirmed; and


  1. approval is delegated to agree appropriate contractual and financial arrangements to the Chief Property Officer, in consultation with the Leader, Director of Finance and the Director of Legal & Democratic Services, following the completion of all necessary due diligence and upon exchange of agreements to lease, subject to a minimum rental value threshold being exceeded.


Reasons for Decisions


The proposed acquisition of the leasehold supports economic prosperity, one of Surrey County Council’s corporate priorities.


[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Overview and Budget Scrutiny Committee]


The Leader explained that unless the right financial information arrangements were forthcoming this acquisition would not go ahead.




  1. Cabinet’s approval for Surrey County Council’s acquisition of a long leasehold interest as highlighted in the submitted report in accordance with the details outlined in that report be reaffirmed;
  2. Cabinet’s approval for the funding and reimbursement arrangements for Surrey County Council in relation to the acquisition of the leasehold be reaffirmed; and
  3. approval is delegated to agree appropriate contractual and financial arrangements to the Chief Property Officer, in consultation with the Leader, Director of Finance and the Director of Legal & Democratic Services, following the completion of all necessary due diligence and upon exchange of agreements to lease, subject to a minimum rental value threshold being exceeded.

Reasons for Decisions


The proposed acquisition of the leasehold supports economic prosperity, one of Surrey County Council’s corporate priorities.