Issue - meetings


Meeting: 03/07/2017 - Runnymede Local Committee (Item 141)


Mr Jason Gosden of Surrey Highways will present this report concerning the Urban Clearway along Staines Causeway to the M25 bridge approaching Runnymede Roundabout.

Additional documents:


The Local Committee agreed that:


i) a notice is advertised in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effects of which will be to revoke the existing urban clearway traffic order and implement a new urban clearway traffic order prohibiting stopping from 7am to 10am and from 4pm to 7pm (7 days a week) along the A308 The Causeway and A308 The Glanty from the Staines Bridge Roundabout to the Runnymede Roundabout as shown on the plan attached as Annex 1;


ii) any objections to the Traffic Regulation Order should be considered and resolved by the Area Team Manager for Highways, in consultation with the chairman and vice-chairman of the Local Committee and local divisional member, and that this issue only be returned to Committee if any objections prove insurmountable;


iii) the Order be made once any objections have been considered and resolved.


Jason Gosden, (Senior Engineer in Surrey Highways) explained that the A308 was a busy route where there had been recent problems with obstructive parking. In investigating police enforcement powers it had been discovered that the original Clearway Order (implemented when Runnymede BC was the local highways authority) was not valid because the legislation did not permit whole day periods of operation. In addition, because of the order this route had not been included in the list of roads submitted to the Secretary of State in 2005 for decriminalised parking powers, so that Surrey County Council could not impose yellow line restrictions there without a separate application to the ministry. Due to current budget limitations, there was no identified funding to implement a new order but he recommended that the Committee agree the recommendations and implementation would take place as soon as funds permitted.


The local member regretted that a contribution from her member allocations funding was not permitted under the financial framework guidance. The Leader of Runnymede borough council expressed a willingness to explore the possibility of an RBC contribution.


The Local Committee agreed that:


i) a notice is advertised in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effects of which will be to revoke the existing urban clearway traffic order and implement a new urban clearway traffic order prohibiting stopping from 7am to 10am and from 4pm to 7pm (7 days a week) along the A308 The Causeway and A308 The Glanty from the Staines Bridge Roundabout to the Runnymede Roundabout as shown on the plan attached as Annex 1;


ii) any objections to the Traffic Regulation Order should be considered and resolved by the Area Team Manager for Highways, in consultation with the chairman and vice-chairman of the Local Committee and local divisional member, and that this issue only be returned to Committee if any objections prove insurmountable;


iii) the Order be made once any objections have been considered and resolved.