171 Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships PDF 217 KB
Surrey County Council is playing an important role in the three Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships across Surrey.
On 28 March 2017 the Cabinet considered a report regarding the Surrey Heartlands Partnership and the emerging health and care devolution proposals. The Cabinet endorsed a set of associated ‘devolution governance principles’ and asked the Chief Executive to take the necessary steps to finalise and implement the new devolution arrangements – this report focusses on the implementation of this work and provides a brief update on the progress in the Frimley Health and Care, and Sussex and East Surrey Partnerships.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adults & Health Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. The progress that has been made in implementing the Surrey Heartlands health and care devolution agreement, and progress in both Frimley Health and Care, and Sussex and East Surrey Partnership areas was noted, and
2. the approach being taken with Surrey Heartlands partners towards establishing a devolved health and care system was approved.
Reason for Decisions
Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships will play a pivotal role in shaping the future health and care priorities and landscape. In the seven months since the last Surrey Heartlands update to the Cabinet, significant progress has been made in the development of the devolution arrangements for Surrey Heartlands. Devolution is a key mechanism for enabling the Surrey Heartlands Partnership to achieve its aims and ambitions, and the integration of health and social care.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adults and Health Select Committee]
Mrs Helyn Clack, Cabinet Member for Health introduced the report that explained how Surrey County Council was playing an important role in the three Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships across Surrey.
On 28 March 2017 the Cabinet considered a report regarding the Surrey Heartlands Partnership and the emerging health and care devolution proposals. The Cabinet endorsed a set of associated ‘devolution governance principles’ and asked the Chief Executive to take the necessary steps to finalise and implement the new devolution arrangements – this report focussed on the implementation of this work and provided a brief update on the progress in the Frimley Health and Care, and Sussex and East Surrey Partnerships. Since March a Memorandum of Understanding had been signed and Surrey Heartlands had been chosen as one of ten areas nominated to be involved with the Accountable Care Systems development programme. A joint committee had been set up and would be the primary decision making committee for Surrey Heartlands. The Cabinet Member explained further the governance and funding arrangements.
The Cabinet Member for Adults spoke about the number of Clinical Commissioning Groups working across services of health and social care and spoke of the problems with delayed transfer of care, the penalties of bed blocking and finding appropriate accommodation.
The Cabinet Member for Property and Business Services stated that now was a good opportunity to look at closer integration of services and co-location of services.
The Leader of the Council thanked NHS staff involved for their work on this. He stated that the Government should be bolder in their ambition for devolution and explained that the council’s new Chief Executive, when in place, would drive forward ambitions of devolution.
1. That the progress made in implementing the Surrey Heartlands health and care devolution agreement, and progress in both Frimley Health and Care, and Sussex and East Surrey Partnership areas was noted.
2. That the approach being taken with Surrey Heartlands partners towards establishing a devolved health and care system was approved.
Reason for Decisions
Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships will play a pivotal role in shaping the future health and care priorities and landscape. In the seven months since the last Surrey Heartlands update to the Cabinet, significant progress has been made in the development of the devolution arrangements for Surrey Heartlands. Devolution is a key mechanism for enabling the Surrey Heartlands Partnership to achieve its aims and ambitions, and the integration of health and social care.