Issue - meetings


Meeting: 08/12/2017 - Waverley Local Committee (Item 102)


To receive an update from the Area Highway Manager (South West).


Additional documents:


The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE:


(i)            To note the capital works being progressed during 2017/18

(ii)           To note the ongoing revenue works being carried out.

(iii)          To delegate to the Area Highway Manager, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman and Divisional Member, the ability to resolve any problems encountered to facilitate scheme delivery.

Reason: The committee is not asked to make any financial decisions at this meeting, rather the report gives an update of progress on highway works in the current financial year.



Declarations of Interest: None


Officers in attendance: John Hilder, Area Highways Manager


Member discussion: Key points:


1.   The Area Highway Manager stated that the £10,000 per SCC member to spend on Highways had to be allocated by 31 December 2017 in order for it to be spent in the current financial year.  However, if not spent it could be carried forward to 2018/19.

2.   Members were asked to consider what schemes they want to support in their areas in 2018/19.  Any schemes not already listed in Annex 1 would have to be approved by the Local Committee.

3.   New Pond Road, Compton would be closed in 2018 for approximately three months as Network Rail needed to undertake major bridge work on the Farncombe rail bridge. This would impact on local traffic but diversions would be in place on major routes. It was suggested that undertakers using the crematorium should be notified separately, and the committee requested clarification on the road closure timings.

4.   It was agreed that the Area Highways Officer would provide members with further information regarding their areas, especially where information is missing from the report (including Table 6 on Section 106 agreements), and to confirm the latest position on Waverley Borough Council’s bid to the LEP for infrastructure improvements in Farnham.

5.   The Chairman clarified that in paragraph 7.4 on page 77, the 15% top-sliced from parking surplus was from non-Farnham areas and the 85% was Farnham.  These figures would need to be reviewed in future years as situations change.

6.   The SCC Highways team was thanked for making things happen that improved residents’ lives.

The Local Committee (Waverley) AGREED:


(i)     To note the capital works being progressed during 2017/18

(ii)    To note the ongoing revenue works being carried out.

(iii)   To delegate to the Area Highway Manager, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman and Divisional Member, the ability to resolve any problems encountered to facilitate scheme delivery.

Reason: The committee is not asked to make any financial decisions at this meeting, rather the report gives an update of progress on highway works in the current financial year.