Issue - meetings

Local Government Ombudsman Report of an Investigation Into a Complaint

Meeting: 31/10/2017 - Cabinet (Item 181)

181 Local Government Ombudsman Report of an Investigation Into a Complaint pdf icon PDF 61 KB

This report concerns the Local Government Ombudsman’s findings in response to a complaint concerning the service provided to a surrey family.


The production of this Monitoring Officer report is a statutory requirement under Section 5A of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989. The Council’s Monitoring Officer has to report to the Council’s executive body (Cabinet) when the Local Government Ombudsman has conducted an investigation into a complaint against the Council and has found that maladministration causing injustice has occurred.


Additional documents:




That following consideration of the Ombudsman’s report and the response from Children’s Services, Cabinet:


1.    Was satisfied that that steps have been taken to address the findings and consider whether any other action should be taken, and


2.    noted that the Monitoring Officer will be bringing her report to the attention of all councillors.


Reason for decision:


There is a statutory requirement for the Monitoring Office to bring to Members’ attention any Ombudsman report on the Council that identifies it is at fault and has caused injustice as a result.



This report was introduced by the Legal Services Manager and concerned the Local Government Ombudsman’s findings in response to a complaint concerning the service provided to a Surrey family.


The production of this Monitoring Officer report was a statutory requirement under Section 5A of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989. The Council’s Monitoring Officer has to report to the Council’s executive body (Cabinet) when the Local Government Ombudsman has conducted an investigation into a complaint against the Council and has found that maladministration causing injustice has occurred.


Children’s Services have apologised unreservedly to the family, who experienced drift and delay in receiving the right help and support for their son. Systems and processes were reviewed and improved to ensure children with special educational needs are identified better and earlier and supported well for as long as is needed. This has been overseen by the Improvement Board with a focus to improve outcomes for children in Surrey.


Mrs Watson stated that there were multiple failures in this case and sought assurance that processes had been improved and that this would not happen again.


The Leader made a statement that as Leader of the Council he accepted responsibility on behalf of the Council and wholeheartedly apologised to the child and the family.  He hoped that it would never happen again but Members were not personally responsible for operational matters but would drive improvements needed.


Acknowledgement was also given to the work of the Improvement Board for their concerted effort in driving through the improvements necessary for Children’s and SEND services.




1.    Following consideration of the Ombudsman’s report and the response from Children’s Services, Cabinet:

·         Was satisfied that that steps have been taken to address the findings and consider whether any other action should be taken, and

·         noted that the Monitoring Officer will be bringing her report to the attention of all councillors.


Reason for decision:


There is a statutory requirement for the Monitoring Office to bring to Members’ attention any Ombudsman report on the Council that identifies it is at fault and has caused injustice as a result.