180 Revision of Procurement Standing Orders PDF 132 KB
As part of the transformation programme for Orbis, the Procurement Service has been through significant change over the past year in order to deliver a broader commercial role for the Council.
Revising the Procurement Standing Orders (PSOs), which set out how the Council governs spending by Officers on goods, works and services, will help to support these changes.
Additional documents:
1. That the proposed changes to Procurement Standing Orders (PSOs) were noted and RECOMMENDED to full Council for final approval on 5 December 2017.
Reason for decision:
To provide support for the adoption of the revised Procurement Standing Orders (PSOs) by full Council.
The updated PSOs will help drive the following developments within procurement:
· Delivery of broader value through procurement, particularly regarding social value and local suppliers
· An increased focus on supporting contract management activities
· Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the procurement process.
The Cabinet Member for Property and Business Services introduced this report and explained that as part of the transformation programme for Orbis, the Procurement Service has been through significant change over the past year in order to deliver a broader commercial role for the Council.
Revising the Procurement Standing Orders (PSOs), which set out how the Council governs spending by Officers on goods, works and services, will help to support these changes.
That the proposed changes to Procurement Standing Orders (PSOs) were noted and RECOMMENDED to full Council for final approval on 5 December 2017.
Reason for decision:
To provide support for the adoption of the revised Procurement Standing Orders (PSOs) by full Council.
The updated PSOs will help drive the following developments within procurement:
· Delivery of broader value through procurement, particularly regarding social value and local suppliers
· An increased focus on supporting contract management activities
Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the procurement process