9 School Organisation Plan 2018 - 2027 PDF 133 KB
The School Organisation Plan sets out the policies and principles underpinning school organisation in Surrey. It highlights the likely demand for school places projected over a 10 year period, and sets out any potential changes in school organisation that may be required in order to meet the statutory duty to provide sufficient places. Cabinet are asked to agree the School Organisation Plan 2017/18 – 2026/27 for publication.
Additional documents:
That the School Organisation Plan 2018 - 2027 is approved for recommendation to Council to determine its publication.
Reasons for Decisions
The School Organisation Plan is a key document used by schools and education stakeholders in considering long term plans. It is necessary to review the plan to ensure that the best and most up to date information is published for use in this planning process.
The Cabinet Member for Education introduced the report and set out that was asking the Cabinet to consider the Surrey School Organisation Plan covering the academic years from September 2018 - 2027 for publication.
She went onto say that the School Organisation Plan set out the policies and principles underpinning school organisation in Surrey. It highlighted the likely demand for school places projected over a 10 year period and set out any potential changes in school organisation that may be required in order to meet the statutory duty to provide sufficient places.It was explained that the Council use a piece of software to undertake forecasting and that the plan is produced using historical and future data.
Members were informed that the Council had created over 16,000 extra school places over the last five years and still need to provide many more and that government funding fell significantly short of the amount needed to create those places.
The Deputy Leader confirmed his support for the plan and thanked officers for the work that had been done.
That the School Organisation Plan 2018 - 2027 is approved for recommendation to Council to determine its publication.
Reasons for Decisions
The School Organisation Plan is a key document used by schools and education stakeholders in considering long term plans. It is necessary to review the plan to ensure that the best and most up to date information is published for use in this planning process.