166 Members' Questions PDF 117 KB
(i) The deadline for Member’s questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (25 October 2012).
Additional documents:
Six questions in total were received from Mrs Hazel Watson, Mr Will Forster and Mr Jonathan Essex. Responses to these can be found at Appendix 1.
Six questions in total were received from Mrs Hazel Watson, Mr Will Forster and Mr Jonathan Essex. Responses to these can be found at Appendix 1.
Supplementary questions
Q1: Mrs Watson asked what the council’s strategy was in order to provide housing that residents could actually afford. The Cabinet Member for Property and Business Services responded that the council were looking at all forms of housing and that provision was dependent on a number of factors including local planning, transport links and others. However, the council wished to see a significant number of homes built.
Q3: Mr Forster requested further information breakdown to his question. The Leader stated that what Mr Forster wanted was operational information which was not the Cabinet’s jurisdiction but an issue for the Chief Fire Officer who was responsible for ensuring that operations ran correctly.
Q4: Mr Forster sought clarification that the response given was a ‘no’. The Cabinet Member for Communities explained that there was no duty on the fire service to ensure that buildings were built according to building regulations.
Q5: Mr Essex asked if the information on the Joint Venture would be made available when a decision had been made. The Cabinet Member for Property and Business Services explained that first a business case had to go to the Investment Board which would then consider on a site by site basis.
Q6: Mr Essex asked if the high level report on housing unit figures could be provided and when. The Cabinet Member for Property and Business Services stated that it was dependent on Cabinet agreeing a partner but that a considerable amount of work was being undertaken to move development along and that more would be known in a few weeks’ time.
Mr Colin Kemp declared a non pecuniary interest in question 4 as he was an Executive Member of Woking Borough Council.