200 SAP Enterprise Resource Platform Maintenance and Support 2018-2020 PDF 166 KB
SAP Enterprise Resource Platform (ERP) is a critical software application that enables a number of essential management, payment and resource related tasks for Surrey County Council.
Two years ago, Surrey County Council (SCC) authorised a change to the Support and Maintenance services on its ERP that resulted in Surrey County Council buying from an independent supplier who provided a cost-effective delivery model that did not require access to SAP released product enhancements; this has meant that the software version in use has not been updated since that time.
The consequence of working on older software has resulted in an increasing burden and growing risk on the Service teams who use the system, the Operational teams who manage it and on some other systems with which the ERP interacts.
N.B. an annex containing exempt information is contained in Part 2 of the agenda – item 16.
[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Corporate Services Select Committee]
Additional documents:
That modifications to the original Supply and Maintenance contract with SAP for 3 years of Support and Maintenance from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2020 and an immediate SAP refresh / re-instatement to update the software version in use be approved.
Reasons for Decisions:
It is now in the best interests of efficiency for Surrey County Council to update the software. The Council is targeting higher levels of automation, productivity and wants to take greater advantage of its investment in ERP through its Orbis partnership by offering more services to other public bodies to generate revenue.
There are many benefits available to Surrey Council from moving on to the latest software level as set out in section 5.
[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Corporate Services Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Property and Business Services introduced the report and explained that SAP Enterprise Resource Platform (ERP) was a critical software application that enabled a number of essential management, payment and resource related tasks for Surrey County Council.
Two years ago, Surrey County Council (SCC) authorised a change to the Support and Maintenance services on its ERP that resulted in Surrey County Council buying from an independent supplier who provided a cost-effective delivery model that did not require access to SAP released product enhancements; this meant that the software version in use had not been updated since that time.
The consequence of working on older software had resulted in an increasing burden and growing risk on the Service teams who use the system, the Operational teams who manage it and on some other systems with which the ERP interacts.
That modifications to the original Supply and Maintenance contract with SAP for 3 years of Support and Maintenance from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2020 and an immediate SAP refresh / re-instatement to update the software version in use be approved.
Reasons for Decisions:
It is now in the best interests of efficiency for Surrey County Council to update the software. The Council is targeting higher levels of automation, productivity and wants to take greater advantage of its investment in ERP through its Orbis partnership by offering more services to other public bodies to generate revenue.
There are many benefits available to Surrey Council from moving on to the latest software level as set out in section 5.
[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Corporate Services Select Committee]