Issue - meetings

Civil Parking Enforcement Agency Agreements

Meeting: 30/01/2018 - Cabinet (Item 19)

19 Operation of On-Street Civil Parking Enforcement pdf icon PDF 421 KB

This report considers how the County Council will manage the future enforcement and administration of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) within Surrey, and recommends reducing the number of parking enforcement agencies from nine to four, with boroughs and districts grouped into clusters in the South-West, North-West, East and North East of the County.


It recommends entering into five-year on-street parking enforcement agency agreements with lead District and Borough authorities who will manage these clusters. In the event that any cluster is not ready to start operating from April 2018, it recommends entering into two-year agreements to allow time for any problems to be resolved, or for alternative arrangements to be put in place.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment & Infrastructure Select Committee]


Additional documents:




That the County Council enters into new Civil Parking Enforcement arrangements from 1 April 2018 as follows:


1.            either;

a.   Five-year agency agreements be introduced with each identified lead authority where a cluster is ready to be implemented,

b.   Two-year agency agreements be introduced with individual borough/district councils where a cluster is not ready to be implemented,

in line with the terms specified within this report, including the split of any surplus as detailed in paragraph 18 of the submitted report.


2.            the Head of Highways and Transport, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways, be authorised to finalise details, including any necessary temporary arrangements, and implement agreements.

3.            Local or Joint Committees continue to have an oversight and monitoring role for on-street parking enforcement within their area.

Reasons for Decisions


To ensure the County Council effectively, efficiently and consistently manages on-street parking in Surrey, so that the economy of our town centres is enhanced and congestion is reduced, to the benefit of our residents and businesses.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Infrastructure Select Committee]


The Cabinet Member for Highways introduced the report by explaining that the Council currently discharged the responsibility for parking enforcement to the district and borough councils. He went onto say that work had been undertaken with the 11 district and boroughs to set out how the County Council would manage the future enforcement and administration of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) within Surrey. He went onto say that the report recommended reducing the number of parking enforcement agencies from nine to four, with boroughs and districts grouped into clusters in the South-West, North-West, East and North East of the County. It was explained that three of the four clusters had developed viable operations which were set out in the report however the North-East cluster was yet to develop a proposal.


He summarised by stating that the report recommended entering into five-year on-street parking enforcement agency agreements with lead District and Borough authorities who would manage these clusters. In the event that any cluster was not ready to start operating from April 2018, it recommended entering into two-year agreements to allow time for any problems to be resolved, or for alternative arrangements to be put in place.


Members confirmed their support for the proposal and stated that they thanked officers and the districts and boroughs for the work that had been undertaken and they urged the Cabinet Member and officers to resolve the issue in the North-East cluster.




That the County Council enters into new Civil Parking Enforcement arrangements from 1 April 2018 as follows:


1.            either;

a.   Five-year agency agreements be introduced with each identified lead authority where a cluster is ready to be implemented,

b.   Two-year agency agreements be introduced with individual borough/district councils where a cluster is not ready to be implemented,

in line with the terms specified within this report, including the split of any surplus as detailed in paragraph 18 of the submitted report.


2.            the Head of Highways and Transport, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways, be authorised to finalise details, including any necessary temporary arrangements, and implement agreements.

3.            Local or Joint Committees continue to have an oversight and monitoring role for on-street parking enforcement within their area.

Reasons for Decisions


To ensure the County Council effectively, efficiently and consistently manages on-street parking in Surrey, so that the economy of our town centres is enhanced and congestion is reduced, to the benefit of our residents and businesses.