Issue - meetings

Chertsey High (Free) School, Chertsey- Schools Basic Need Expansion Project

Meeting: 28/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 198)

198 Chertsey High School, Runnymede pdf icon PDF 139 KB

Chertsey High School is a new 4 form of entry (120 places per year 600 places in total) Secondary School opened as part of the Free School Programme. The Council has provided the site of the former Runnymede Centre for the new school, with the Department of Education (DFE) providing the capital build costs. The school has the potential to rise to 900 places over time in line with demographic need. The School opened in September 2017 for 120 year 7 pupils and is supporting the basic need school places programme in Runnymede through the provision of these additional school places.


In order to establish the school the Council has undertaken detailed conversations with the current occupier of the sports ground at the site. To achieve joint use of the area for the new school and the existing community sports club the Council has proposed to joint fund with the DFE the installation of, and maintenance fund for an all-weather sports pitch. This paper provides the Business Case for the relevant contribution towards that facility for Community and School use.


The provision and potential future expansion of the School is enabling Surrey County Council to meet the existing and forecast demand for secondary school places in Runnymede borough.


N.B. an annex containing exempt information is contained in Part 2 of the agenda – item 15


[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Children & Education Select Committee]


Additional documents:




That this report be deferred until 2018.


Reason for Decision:


To allow for further investigation of potential issues.





That this report be deferred until 2018.


Reason for Decision:


To allow for further investigation of potential issues.