Issue - meetings

Revenue and Capital Budget 2018/19 to 2020/21 and updated Corporate Strategy

Meeting: 30/01/2018 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Revenue and Capital Budget 2018/19 to 2020/21, Corporate Strategy and Key Financial Strategies pdf icon PDF 556 KB

This report is to enable Cabinet to make recommendations to the Full County Council on:

·        council tax precept for 2018/19

·        revenue budget for 2018/19 and medium term financial plan to 2020/21

·        capital programme quantum and principles

·        key corporate and financial strategies.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Overview and Budget Scrutiny Committee]

Additional documents:



That Cabinet makes the following recommendations to the Full County Council on 6 February 2018:

Cabinet recommendations to Full County Council to note the following important features of the revenue and capital budget

1.           The Director of Finance’s statutory conclusions that the council’s budget is balanced for 2018/19 and is developing a major transformation programme to be able to set a balanced budget for 2019/20 and become sustainable over the medium to long term (Annex 1 of the submitted report).

Proposed budget: Cabinet recommendations to Full County Council for the revenue and capital budgets


2.           Increase the level of the general council tax by 2.99% (paragraphs 101 and 102 of the submitted report).

3.           Increase council tax by a further 3% for the adult social care precept, which will provide a further £20m to support the growth in demand for services (paragraph 102 of the submitted report).

4.           Set the County Council precept for band D council tax at £1,411.29 which represents a 5.99% up-lift. This is a rise of £1.53 a week from 2017/18’s precept of £1,331.55.

5.           Approve the County Council’s £1,705m gross revenue expenditure budget for 2018/19 (Table 9 of the submitted report).

6.           Approve the application of up to £15m capital receipts to fund the revenue costs associated with transformation projects (paragraphs 34 to 37 and Appendix 3 of the submitted report)

7.           Approve use of up to £24m of earmarked reserves to support the revenue budget (paragraph 109 of the submitted report).

8.           Approve £316m three year capital programme, with £139m capital investment in 2018/19 (paragraph 124 and Appendix 7 of the submitted report).

9.           Agree to support only capital schemes that do not require borrowing, unless the scheme has a compelling business case developed that demonstrates best value and a sustainable basis for funding borrowing costs (paragraph 135 of the submitted report).

10.        Note that the detailed programme of schemes will be agreed ahead of implementation of the detailed budget (if necessary).

11.        Require a robust business case to be prepared (and taken to the Investment Panel for review) before committing expenditure for the use of:

·      all revenue ‘invest to save’ proposals, and

·      capital schemes (paragraph 120 of the submitted report).

12.        To help ensure the council achieves its savings programme, require the Chief Executive and the Director of Finance to:

·      continue to ensure delivery of existing MTFP efficiencies and service reductions for the remaining years of the MTFP 2018?21; and

·      continue to ensure services monitor their demand and cost pressures and develop plans to mitigate the impact of those pressures (paragraph 95 of the submitted report).

13.        Require the Chief Executive and the Director of Finance to lead the development of a transformation programme to move the council to a sustainable position in 2019/20. 

Corporate and key financial strategies: Cabinet recommendations to Full County Council on the revenue and capital budgets


14.        Approve the refreshed Corporate Strategy for 2018/19 that Cabinet has endorsed (paragraphs 18 to 24 and Appendix 1 of  ...  view the full decision text for item 13


The Leader introduced the report and began by saying that it contained some good news and some disappointments. He went on to say that the Council was very pleased to be selected to be a part of the business rates pilot and this demonstrated the good work undertaken between the districts and boroughs and the county council. Members were informed that the change in the way that the council can use its capital receipts was also positive as these can now be used for transformation.


It was felt that linking social care to health care was a very positive move and it would be important for local government to contribute to the green paper on this when it was available.


The review of fairer funding was discussed and it was felt that this could take another two years. This meant that the funding gap needed to be plugged and Members were disappointed that transition funding would not be continuing.


The Leader informed the Cabinet that in the next year Surrey residents would pay £26m to subsidise services in other areas of the country and that he would continue to lobby the Secretary of State for fairer funding for Surrey.


He highlighted that Surrey had over 1000 adults with learning disabilities and that the government had reduced the funding provided to support them. He also said that Surrey also has the third highest number of unaccompanied asylum seeking children in the country.    


Members were told that since 2010 the Government had taken £200m and that since that time the Council had saved £540m annually.


The Leader went on to say that it was with deep regret that there was no choice but to put up council tax and therefore the proposal would be to increase it by 3% for adult social care and for 3% for core funding. This would equate to an additional £1.53 per week for a band D property in 2018/19.


The Chairman of the Audit and Governance Committee addressed the Cabinet to confirm his support for the revised Treasury Management Strategy following an in depth review of this at the previous Audit and Governance Committee meeting and that he was happy to recommend this to council for approval on 6 February.


Cabinet Members confirmed their support for the paper and provided comments on demand increases and pressure on services outstripping the income that the council could raise. They thanked officers for providing a clear and understandable report.


It was agreed that paragraph 104 of the submitted report regarding Local Highways Funding and Member Allocations should be a formal recommendation to be agreed by the Cabinet and this then became recommendation 21.


After the debate the Chairman called the recommendations, which included the council tax precept proposals, and the vote was taken.


The following members voted for:

Mr David Hodge CBE, Mr John Furey, Mrs Helyn Clack, Mrs Clare Curran, Mr Mel Few, Mr Mike Goodman, Mr Colin Kemp, Mrs Mary Lewis, Mr Tim Oliver and Ms Denise  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13