Issue - meetings

Car Park Charging on the Countryside Estate

Meeting: 14/12/2017 - Cabinet (Item 223)

223 Pay and Conserve, Car Park Charging on the Countryside Estate pdf icon PDF 341 KB

Since 2002, the County Council has contracted with Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) to manage the Countryside Estate in order to deliver biodiversity, landscape and access benefits.  Our vision is for a financially sustainable Estate which is protected and enhanced for future generations.


Ongoing pressure on local government funding has meant the County Council has had to find savings in this area and since 2014 we have, in the face of severe funding pressures, been working with SWT to identify new ways of generating income in order to ensure the financial sustainability of the countryside estate.


In line with a strategy pursued by many other landowners, the option of charging for car parking has been investigated as a potential source of income to support our vision.  This paper sets out a proposed approach to car park charging.  The proposal is based on public consultation carried out during autumn 2017.


[The decision on this item can be called in by the Environment and Infrastructure Select Committee]

Additional documents:


This item was deferred until January 2018.


This item was deferred until January 2018.