Issue - meetings


Meeting: 08/12/2017 - Waverley Local Committee (Item 101)


To receive a report from SCC Transport Policy Team.


The report summarises the feasibility work and further consultation carried out during the review of Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) movements through the study area.  It also outlines the proposed measures for HGV management and puts forward a recommended strategic concept for Local Committee approval.


Additional documents:


The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE that it:


(i)    Acknowledges the outcome of continued dialogue with local parish councils regarding the development of HGV interventions in the area.

(ii)   Agrees the concept of a proposed ‘Country Lanes Unsuitable for HGVs’ pilot zone to cover a defined area of the Surrey Hills within the wider study area

Reason: To ensure that Members are kept informed of the outcome of local stakeholder engagement regarding HGV and country lane management measures.


To enable the proposed concept to be agreed across all affected boroughs and districts and subsequently included in relevant forward programmes of transport measures for future development and implementation in collaboration with parish councils and local community groups via appropriate funding streams.


Declarations of Interest: None


Officers in attendance: Jeff Wilson, SCC Transport Planner


Member discussion: Key points:


1.   The report had previously been considered by Guildford Local Committee where the concept was agreed by members, enabling individual schemes within their area to be considered for development as and when funding becomes available.

2.   It was also considered by the Mole Valley Local Committee in November. The members had not wanted to pursue signage or measures in their area at that point as they had some concerns about directing HGVs along certain roads within their district.  However, they did wish to be engaged in the consultation process going forward and are supportive of continued dialogue.

3.   The committee was asked to consider the concept of the advisory (non-enforceable) signs. There was no timeline at present for delivery and would depend on when funding became available.

4.   Dr Andrew Povey welcomed the report and said he will be making some of his highways allocation available, to help fund the proposals via the Area Highway Manager. The Chairman stated that she understood the amount to be £8,000 to £10,000 from Dr Povey’s £10,000 highways allocation.

5.   The committee discussed timing and costs, increased housing development, HGV movements and the issue of speed in narrow lanes that members did not feel were addressed in the report. It was noted that the majority of HGVs were using roads for a legitimate purpose.

6.   The issue of Sat Navs directing HGVs on inappropriate routes leading to damaged roads and banks and severe traffic problems was also considered. The Transport Planner officer agreed to explore what could be done at a strategic level regarding the programming of Sat Navs. 

7.   The speed of the vehicles was not specifically being targeted through this proposal, but it was being considered in working groups. It was noted that parish councils are particularly keen on this. 

The Local Committee (Waverley) AGREED to:


(i)     Acknowledge the outcome of continued dialogue with local parish councils regarding the development of HGV interventions in the area.

(ii)    The concept of a proposed ‘Country Lanes Unsuitable for HGVs’ pilot zone to cover a defined area of the Surrey Hills within the wider study area

Reason: To ensure that Members are kept informed of the outcome of local stakeholder engagement regarding HGV and country lane management measures.


To enable the proposed concept to be agreed across all affected boroughs and districts and subsequently included in relevant forward programmes of transport measures for future development and implementation in collaboration with parish councils and local community groups via appropriate funding streams.