131 Cross Party Review of Local and Joint Committees PDF 90 KB
Cabinet is invited to consider and respond to the conclusions and recommendations contained within the report of the Cross-Party Review of Local and Joint Committees.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment Select Committee]
Additional documents:
· As part of this, Cabinet agreed to work with the Community Partnership Team, the Cross-Party Review Group and Legal and Democratic Services to take forward the recommendations.
· Work continued to create joint committees across Surrey.
Reason for decisions:
A cross-party review of local and joint committees (LCs/JCs) was established at the direction of the Leader, under the Chairmanship of County Councillor Mary Angell, to review the current model of LCs/JCs, and to make recommendations to Cabinet as to how it can improve joint working and engagement with residents.
The Review Group, consisting of County Councillors Mary Angell (Lead), Will Forster, Tim Hall, Jeff Harris and Ernest Mallett had now completed its review and made a number of recommendations for Cabinet consideration.
The Review Group had undertaken a wide-reaching and detailed review, and the findings highlighted a number of areas where the County Council could be proud of its local engagement and devolved decision making structures, which represented best practice nationally.
The review had also identified areas for improvement and the report made a number of recommendations for Cabinet to consider.
The Council was embarking on a wholesale transformation programme to address the unprecedented demand and financial challenges it faced. In light of this, it was important that Cabinet gave careful and thorough consideration to the report and its findings, before determining how to address them.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Community Services introduced this report that detailed a thorough and in-depth review of local and joint committees and set a number of recommendations for consideration. She explained the historical context in the lead up to this review which was requested by the Leader of the Council. Thanks was extended to members of the Review Group and staff for the diligent work and support in undertaking this work.
The Leader stated that it was a good report, open and honest and sometimes hard-hitting.
The Chair of the Review Group, Mrs Mary Angell, supported by Mr Tim Hall explained the support the Group had received from staff, Members and the Leader in this process. She stated that Surrey had a good framework currently but improvements could be made. She also said that all comments in the report were each given by at least three different people.
There was much support for the review from many Cabinet Members who spoke of things such as local committees becoming joint committees giving ownership and responsibility to those committees and not just being ‘talking shops’. They also looked forward to the follow up work and working with districts and boroughs.
The Cabinet Member for Community Services tabled a revision to the published recommendations which was accepted by the Cabinet.
· As part of this, Cabinet agreed to work with the Community Partnership Team, the Cross-Party Review Group and Legal and Democratic Services to take forward the recommendations.
· Work continued to create joint committees across Surrey.
Reason for decisions:
A cross-party review of local and joint committees (LCs/JCs) was established at the direction of the Leader, under the Chairmanship of County Councillor Mary Angell, to review the current model of LCs/JCs, and to make recommendations to Cabinet as to how it could improve joint working and engagement with residents.
The Review Group, consisted of County Councillors Mary Angell (Lead), Will Forster, Tim Hall, Jeff Harris and Ernest Mallett had completed its review and made a number of recommendations for Cabinet consideration.
The Review Group had undertaken a wide-reaching and detailed review, and the findings highlighted a number of areas where the County Council could be proud of its local engagement and devolved decision making structures, which represented best practice nationally.
The review had also identified areas for improvement and the report made a number of recommendations for Cabinet to consider.
The Council had embarked on a wholesale transformation programme to address the unprecedented demand and financial challenges it faced. In light of this, it was important that Cabinet gave careful and thorough consideration to the report and its findings, before determining how to address them.