175 Creation of a New 2FE Primary Free School In North West Horley PDF 117 KB
This report requests the approval the Business Case for the building of a new 2 Form of Entry (420 places) primary school, plus 52 place nursery as part of the Westvale Park housing development, thereby supporting delivery against basic need requirements in the Horley area.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children’s Select Committee]
Additional documents:
That, subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information for the provision of a new two form entry primary school set out in Part 2 of the submitted report [Exempt Minutes E-20-18 and E-21-18], the business case for the provision of an additional 2 Forms of Entry worth of primary and 52 nursery places in Horley be approved.
Reason for Decision:
The proposal supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places, relative to demand.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children’s Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for All-Age Learning introduced this report that sought approval of the Business Case for the building of a new two Form of Entry (420 places) primary school, plus 52 place nursery as part of the Westvale Park housing development, thereby supporting delivery against basic need requirements in the Horley area. This was good news for Horley as there was a growing demand in the area and it fitted in with the Horley Master Plan.
Several Members cited this as a good example of partnership working whereby infrastructure was planned along with the provision of additional housing.
That, subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information for the provision of a new two form entry primary school set out in Part 2 of the submitted report [Exempt Minutes E-20-18 and E-21-18], the business case for the provision of an additional 2 Forms of Entry worth of primary and 52 nursery places in Horley be approved.
Reason for Decision:
The proposal supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places, relative to demand.