107 Surrey County Council Public Bus Contract Re-tendering 2018 PDF 123 KB
Surrey County Council is responsible for sourcing sustainable, safe, secure and reliable local bus services as defined by the Transport Acts 1985 and 2000.
There are currently 185 bus services operating in Surrey and the County Council gives some financial support to around 75%. This report seeks to award fifteen contracts to six operators, for the provision of 21 Public Bus Services. The current contracts which expire on 1 September 2018 have been retendered and if awarded will commence from 2 September 2018.
N.B. There is a Part 2 annex to this report – item 13
[Decisions on this item can be called in by the Corporate Overview Select Committee or the Environment Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That following consideration of the results of the procurement process in the submitted Part 2 report, to award contracts to the following six operators was agreed:- BETC, Cardinal Buses, C E Jeatt & Son (White Bus), Edward Thomas, Metrobus and Southdown.
2. To note that the contract length would be three years with the option to extend up to a maximum of eight years as permitted by the 1985 Transport Act (as amended by s.70 Local Transport Act 2008). The total annual value of these contracts would be £1.037m (net of developer funding contribution for one route).
Reason for Decision:
The decision would enable the Council to achieve:
Ensures the Council complies with the Procurement Standing Orders (PSO), requiring Cabinet approval for those contracts that reach a specified value.
[Decisions on this item can be called in by the Corporate Overview Select Committee or the Environment Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport introduced this report which explained that Surrey County Council was responsible for sourcing sustainable, safe, secure and reliable local bus services as defined by the Transport Acts 1985 and 2000. These services enabled residents to access employment, education, medical appointments, essential food shopping and other key services. This report sought to award fifteen contracts to six operators. The current contracts to expire on 1 September 2018 had been retendered and if awarded would commence from 2 September 2018. The proposals sought to maintain the existing network of bus provision, with some amendments proposed in certain areas.
He also explained that there would be six Euro buses coming to Surrey which would be very good for air quality. Several Members expressed their pleasure regarding the provision of Euro buses stating it was a positive move forward.
Reason for Decision:
The decision would enable the Council to achieve:
Ensures the Council complies with the Procurement Standing Orders (PSO), requiring Cabinet approval for those contracts that reach a specified value.