A report to outline Runnymede Borough Council’s action in respect of the recent re-awarding of an agency agreement for on street parking enforcement and to describe the next, collaborative steps to be taken with partnership from Spelthorne and Elmbridge Borough Councils.
The Runnymede Joint Committee agreed to:
i) Defer the report to a future meeting
Reasons for recommendations:
To defer to a future meeting with a focus on Runnymede, its views and intentions, and its strength to carry the work forward with future conversations between Spelthorne and Elmbridge.
Declarations of Interest: None
Officers attending: Ian Maguire (Corporate Director of Planning and Environmental Services, Runnymede Borough Council)
Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: None.
Member Discussion – key points:
The Corporate Director of Planning and Environmental Services introduced his report, the purpose of which was to give information on the collaborative work to date between Runnymede, Elmbridge and Spelthorne boroughs and the County Council on delivery of on-street parking enforcement, and to introduce a discussion on on-street pay and display. He explained that the situation was developing rapidly within the north-east Surrey cluster, with Elmbridge recently having moved to start looking at specific locations for on-street pay and display; Spelthorne, on the other hand, was currently resistant to this approach.
There followed a discussion with a variety of opinions expressed about the value of introducing pay and display enforcement, the effects it might have on retail footfall, possible alternative approaches and whether the focus should be cash- or resident-driven.
While the work that had gone into the report was recognised it was felt that further work was needed, firstly with county council officers to address the provision of clearer guidance on the enforcement policy, and secondly with Spelthorne and Elbridge borough officers to ensure a collaborative and coordinated approach.
A proposal was put forward by Cllr Furey and seconded by Cllr Few, to defer the report until a later meeting within the current meetings cycle and for the new report to have a focus on Runnymede, its views and intentions, and its strength to carry the work forward with future conversations between Spelthorne and Elmbridge.
Resolved: [by 9 votes FOR to 2 AGAINST]
The Runnymede Joint Committee agreed to:
i) Defer the report to a future meeting