Issue - meetings

Reigate and Banstead Local Transport Strategy

Meeting: 30/10/2018 - Cabinet (Item 173)

173 Reigate and Banstead Local Transport Strategy pdf icon PDF 96 KB

A key strategic goal in the Council’s Corporate Strategy is the commitment to promoting Economic Prosperity to ensure Surrey’s economy remains strong and sustainable, whilst delivering on Wellbeing and Resident Experience.  Securing funding to support an infrastructure investment programme is a key part of this goal. The Local Transport Strategies are component parts of the statutory Surrey Transport Plan that apply the plan to a relevant district or borough. Reigate and Banstead’s Local Transport Strategy has been reviewed and updated in full and is presented to Cabinet for approval.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment Select Committee]


Additional documents:




That the updated Reigate and Banstead Local Transport Strategy, including the Forward Programme be approved.


Reason for Decision:

Inadequate transport infrastructure was identified as the biggest barrier to economic growth in the county.

The current Reigate and Banstead Local Transport Strategy was published in 2014. As such, information within it was dated and in need of review. It was important that Local Transport Strategies were kept up-to-date, as this ensured that the right investments were prioritised and that Members, officers and delivery partners could coordinate investment in transport infrastructure. Maintaining up-to-date strategies also meant Surrey County Council was ready to confidently bid for funding opportunities at short notice, should an opportunity arise.

The revised strategy would support Surrey County Council’s priorities to promote sustainable economic growth and secure investment in infrastructure. The strategy would benefit Surrey residents and businesses by accommodating sustainable population growth, helping to boost the economy and limit the impact of transport and development on the environment.

This revised strategy had been developed through joint working between officers and Members from both Surrey County Council and Reigate & Banstead Borough Council to ensure that the Local Transport Strategy was relevant for the area.

It has also been subject to public consultation, an Equalities Impact Assessment and an Environmental Sustainability Appraisal, and refined accordingly. The revised strategy had been approved by the Reigate & Banstead Local Committee (under delegated authority).

This revised strategy would replace the Reigate and Banstead Local Transport Strategy from, dated December 2014 currently adopted as part of the Surrey Transport Plan, a statutory document. The Forward Programme will replace previously published versions of the Forward Programme.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment Select Committee]


The Cabinet Lead Member for Place introduced this report which was decided with no further discussion.




That the updated Reigate and Banstead Local Transport Strategy, including the Forward Programme be approved.


Reason for Decision:

Inadequate transport infrastructure was identified as the biggest barrier to economic growth in the county.

The current Reigate and Banstead Local Transport Strategy was published in 2014. As such, information within it was dated and in need of review. It was important that Local Transport Strategies were kept up-to-date as this ensured that the right investments were prioritised and that Members, officers and delivery partners could coordinate investment in transport infrastructure. Maintaining up-to-date strategies also meant the Council was ready to confidently bid for funding opportunities at short notice, should an opportunity arise.

The revised strategy would support the Council’s priorities to promote sustainable economic growth and secure investment in infrastructure. The strategy would benefit Surrey residents and businesses by accommodating sustainable population growth, helping to boost the economy and limit the impact of transport and development on the environment.

This revised strategy had been developed through joint working between officers and Members from both Surrey County Council and Reigate & Banstead Borough Council to ensure that the Local Transport Strategy was relevant for the area.

It has also been subject to public consultation, an Equalities Impact Assessment and an Environmental Sustainability Appraisal, and refined accordingly. The revised strategy had been approved by the Reigate & Banstead Local Committee (under delegated authority).

This revised strategy would replace the Reigate and Banstead Local Transport Strategy from, dated December 2014 currently adopted as part of the Surrey Transport Plan, a statutory document. The Forward Programme will replace previously published versions of the Forward Programme.